
Why is my brother like that?

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he doesnt talk to me that much or at all some times

he only hugs me on my birthday on christmas and on new years

he doesnt yelll at me or anything

hes 17 he works and goes to school

im 13 and my sister is 7 he always hugs her all the time

i feel bad cause it seem like he likes her (as a sister) more than me

its not that im jelous

non of us are adopted and we have the same mom and dad

i remember in 6th grade i got hit by a car and when we got home my mom told him and he got up all worried and was like "where is she at? is she ok?"

and when my stomach was hurting real bad i asked him to take me to the hospital and he got up worried and he didnt even put shoes or a shirt on he rushed to get me to the hospital (they told me i had a cyst)

but why is he like that?




  1. Maybe he does have trouble expressing his feelings. It might be kind of weird for him because you're close in age and your teen bodies are maturing and maybe that creeps him out a little. Why not mention to him that you miss the attention he gives you when you're hurt or sick and that you'd like a closer relationship? No, I don't mean that in a sexual way. Some siblings are just close and get along like friends instead of just family. There's no harm in telling him what's on your mind. Granted, there will be things you just won't want to tell your brother (maybe ever) because he is your brother and he is a guy.

  2. he's like that maybe

    cuz he doesnt like

    to show his feelings..

    i mean my brother is like

    that all the time!!

    but my brother talks to me..

    well anyhoo your brother

    loves you!! he just doesnt

    like showing it

  3. you will have to ask him. you don't sound jealous. my oldest son is like that way. he has twin brothers that he treats differently. the youngest of the twin he doesn't talk to, but let him get hurt or need him he is there for him. your brother loves you but doesn't know how to show you. has he always been like that twas you?, and if so don't make a big deal out of it. what is the age difference, maybe when you came along, you took all the attention, he probably still see's it that way.

  4. just tell him

  5. maybe he thinks your to old for him to treat u like that

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