
Why is my brother moody?

by  |  earlier

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My little brother is 13 and he always used to fight with me now a days. Sunday he went a step ahead and he pushed me back. I fell on the couch and sprained my wrist. There was a big swelling and after a shot from doc its ok now. For this only I have to be moody, but contrast, my brother is moody from then and he is not talking to anyone at home. Normally he used to sleep in my room only but for the past 3 days he is sleeping in his room. I am worried for his sudden change. I feel I am missing him. I tried to speak to him and bought 2 books that he likes, but still he is moody or say too formal with me. It really hurts me.

In fact, I only fell down and broke myself, but why is he moody?

Please see my other question before. I am attaching this to tell you that he used to be too naughty, but sudden change.;_ylt=AgkfpZuYmjPHJPAyZYVBAwzsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080721015648AAU9b7W




  1. i think somebody sexually harrasssed him

  2. My brother is 13 and he is a pain in the butt sometimes too. You need to sit your brother down and ask him what is really wrong. If he was always sleeping in your room and all of a sudden he isn't then maybe something happened. Sit him down talk to him and hopefully he will open up so things can change.

  3. My brother's like that too. It's hormones and aparently testosterone levels.

    My brother is 13 as well and a moodly little ***.

    He has the biggest mood swings and gets quite agressive and violent at times.

    Annoying huh?

    My dad told me to just wait and eventually he'll grow out of it... it's all part of puberty.


    good luck

  4. He's growing into a man, darlin'.  Boys don't stay boys forever.  Puberty and hormones are starting to rage inside him.  He feels angry, depressed, aggresive and scared ALL at one time.  His "morning wood" might have started, too.  Probably why he doesn't sleep with you any more.

    Back off from the fight next time.  Since he is feeling this way, he might take it another step farther.

    Boys go thru a different change in life at your age.  Just try to be as nice as you can with him.  Maybe your dad should have a "man to man" with him to see if he can find out some problems.

  5. Because he is growing up himself and probably struggling with feelings and emotions that he doesn't understand. Give him some breathing space and act as normally as you can with him. He will come round to being his old self again but it will take time.

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