
Why is my cat's whole head swolen?

by  |  earlier

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when you pick her up she cries, her head is soft, she doesn't like to be inside, also there is a red spot on her cheek.





  2. did she get bitten by something.  Call your vet immediately

  3. maybe she was bitten by a bug.....or an allergic reaction to ur vet and ask for advice

  4. ... Yeah- its several miles to my vet too, that's why I use a car. You can still call a vet and ask for advice form a professional if you can't actually go to one. They will probably tell you to give her an anti-inflammatory and tell you the dosage that is right for a cat, and to observe. My lab had this problem after a vaccination. Human dose of Benadryl (given as directed by our vet) and she was back to normal in a couple of hours. Search carefully for the bite- it may be much more serious- like a venomous spider or snake.  

  5. The best thing is to get her to a vet just in case it was a venomous snake or spider. It could also be an abscess from a fight and may burst open if enough infection accumulates under the skin. If that's the case she should still see a vet because she'll need to be on antibiotics. The drainage tends to be pretty messy and smelly and she can develop a fever from the infection. Try to keep her inside until you can get her medical attention because she may not be able to get away from predators if she's feeling ill.  

  6. awwwww the poor dear. call the vets and ask them they can tell you what to do.

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