
Why is my cat acting so weird?

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My brother gave me both of his cats yesterday.

So I brought them home and one of them has been acting weird.

They have water, food, a scratching post, litter box, toys, everything they seem to need.

I used to go over to my brothers house and play with that cat, so I don't think I'm such a stranger to it.

I was holding her then I put her down and she ran off to the room (where her sister is) and hid under the bed.

I laid on the floor and called her name and she came out and stretched.

Then I picked her up and sat her on the sofa with me.

Her back started to rise when I pet her and I thought she was going to jump at me, so I moved back a little.

She followed me and rubbed her side against my arm.

She hadn't been acting like this, she's usually really calm and nice.

Is this normal? I just don't want her to attack me.. lol.

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  1. my cat does the exact same thing!

    they have mixed feelings or flashbacks sometimes twards females because it reminds them of their mother, even if its an older cat.

    ik my cat has bit and scratched me but hes just the sweetest cat most of the time, when he doesnt spazz :] ha

    hope that helped :]]]

  2. When she ran and hid under the bed, she was probably reacting to the sudden change in scenery. Cat's don't like big changes and it usually takes them a while to get used to it.

    Some cats just raise their backs when they're pet. My fluffy girl does that all the time, probably just as a natural reaction. Also, they have scent glands in certain areas on their bodies and when she rubbed her side against you it was her way of 'marking' you as 'her property.' It sounds odd, but it's just another natural reaction. I'd say she isn't acting weird at all, she just likes you.

    Good luck with the two new family members!

  3. The cat is acting weird because this is a new environment and she is nervous and scared. Give her a few days to get used to your house and she will be fine. Sounds like you are handling this well. She likes you and wants you to love her, but she starts thinking about this strange place and starts to get skitish. Hang in there. All will be well soon

  4. relax sweetie! if there is one thing cats are all about, it is stability and routine. If they. for any reason, are moved out of a situation that they are comfortable with, there will be a period of readjustment. You are doing a great thing by giving them a home, rather than putting them away in a shelter, like so many people do. Give it a few days...don't chase after them-let them come to you. Right now, they are just trying to get their scent on things (second to routine for cats is getting that scent everywhere!!!) they know you, and if they haven't already tried to attack you, chances are they won't. Give them a chance to get acquainted with all the sights, sounds and smells of their new home, and before you know it, they will be purring in your lap! Good Luck!

  5. Its most likely the new environment. just like us animals get nervous and need time to get use to new things. it may take a while to get use to it or it may only take a short time. just pay her alot of attention and she will come around!!! = )

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