
Why is my cat acting strange?

by  |  earlier

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I have two cats, Samantha and holly(holly is my cat). They "play" allot and lately holly has been acting strange She i over grooming, shes hardly ever playful(and trust me she is always playful) she wont let anyone pick her up not even me(shes very skittish but she almost always lets me pick her up) lastly she wont let me pet her on the left side of her back. That probably as sometime to do with picking her up. I know that when cats are in pain the groom the spot allot and that's what shes doing. Its hard to tell if she is in pain because cats don't usually express pain unless its really bad. Can anyone help me? Are there any vets out there?




  1. Give it a nice hot bath and it will be ok.

  2. It could be any number of things - has she received all her shots?  What you need to do is call your VET asap.  

  3. Well im not a vet but i also have a cat to and if she is in pain then maybe she got hurt playing with another cat that she has been playing with and i dont know websites except google but i dont think that they can help but you can try for a shot oh and if i were you i would start feeling her back and see where it is and then call a vet and see whats wrong with her I hope that i helped

  4. You need to take her to a vet.  Anytime a pet begins acting odd, especially with not letting you touch certain areas you were previously allowed to, its probably going to mean that they aren't feeling well.  It sounds like she may have been kicked or hit very hard.  I suggest taking her to the vet because even if they can't fix it out right they will be able to tell you what you can give her for the pain.

  5. definetly take her to the vet

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