
Why is my cat being a pest lately???

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She's crying out for food more than usual, and a few hrs earlier than scheduled. I don't know what is wrong. It's been 2 days now.




  1. Could she be pregnant?  Have worms?  Keep her on her normal schedule, even though it's really hard to ignore her.  If this doesn't stop in a few days, call the vet!  My Maine has been doing that lately to my husband (who he never really liked but tolerated before) - and it was just because he was tired of being ignored by him.  Once he started to give Sam attention when he got home, Sam went back to normal.  Try playing with your cat, brushing or just distracting it when he starts meowing.  Don't forget, what we think is crying

  2. Have you looked at her physically and seen if anything may be physically wrong with her.  Maybe her stomach is hurting and she thinks she is hungry???  Maybe try giving her some extra TLC and see if she just is wanting more attention.  If not maybe have her checked out by your vet just to be on the safe side.

  3. if she is not fixed she could be in heat. some signs of that is she is all lovey and squirmy and sticks her *** up in the air when you pet her. she will also meow a lot as well. if that is what it is i suggest you get her fixed, it should take care of her annoying behavior and you wont end up with a bunch of kittens.  

  4. Is she drinking more than usual?  Urinating alot? Have you had her to the vet lately-   Diabetic cats do this when their blood glucose levels are high.  That means diabetes.  An untreated diabetic cat is starving to death.

    Take her to the vet.

  5. Is she fixed?  If not, she could be in heat.  I'd take her to the vet and see if she's got worms.  And it could be that because it's summer it's lighter out and she wants to get a move on with her day.

  6. Is it possible that the maker of your cat food has changed their recipe somehow and so she is feeling hungry earlier?  I know it's a long shot, but if you are certain that she is totally healthy, then it's tough.  

    If you give her a little bit more in the morning, does that help?  And is she overweight, underweight, or healthy weight?  

    The other possibility is that she may want reassurance - has something happened in the household 2-3 days ago that could be at all unsettling to her?

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