
Why is my cat breathing like he has a stuffy nose?

by Guest58526  |  earlier

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is he sick? or is this normal?




  1. He may have an upper respiratory infection or a slight cold.  Check with your vet.

  2. my cat does that its normally just a bit of a cat cold it is quite normal but if it gets really bad take him/her to the vets!

  3. He's got the flu hun. Get it treated.

  4. sometimes cats do that when there sleeping because they can snore to.or there just breathing

  5. because its cat for "take me to the vet" :|  

  6. It is best to let a vet determine this. There are so many resperitory illness that can be easily taken care of, it can be as simple as allergies. Take yoour baby in for the complete diagnosis and the vet will tell you. Good Luck.  

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