
Why is my cat crazy?

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Ok so i have this 3 year old cat who likes to walk around and yowl and nothing all night long. He is driving my husband and myself nuts, he has water, food, and a clean litter box. Never been an outdoor cat so he doesn't want out. He is neutered, has another cat to play with and he doesn't want to come in our room other than to meow and leave. any help oh how to quiet him would be nice




  1. he is not crazy he simply is talking in cat talk this can be stopped if you wish but it will require you staying up while he does this and useing a water bottle.

    answer mine please;...

  2. cats are normally adventurous,

    maybe he's just bored of his old environment,

    take him to a park with his buddy,...

    he may also be afraid of going out so you'll have to make him feel safe

  3. my cat was the same, he was an indoor cat for about 2 years, then all of a sudden he wanted to go out, maybe your cat is the same

  4. Has your cats weight fluctuated at all recently? Has his appetite changed? The abnormal vocalization could be a sign of Feline Hyperthyroidism, or other potentially serious diseases. My kitty has been more vocal recently, and turns out she has FH. It'd be a good idea to schedule an appointment and ask the vet. Be sure to mention the yowling, as when cats do this it's a sign that they know something is wrong with them and they're just asking for help. It may cost you a bit of money, but if you love your cat at all - it's worth the cost.

  5. LOL, my parents have the SAME problem with one of their cats and it's only at night when they are trying to sleep!  I really think that it's a cry for attention from you guys!  I dont know the situation, but it sounds like he doesn't want to come in your room, but he wants you to follow HIM where he wants to go so you can play together :)  He may not particularly like that room for some reason maybe??  I bet if you were to follow him and pet him for awhile before bedtime or at night every night it might go away.  Good Luck  :)  LOL  

    oh , you could also try feeding your cats a treat at night to make em happy so he'll shut up for the night :)

  6. I would maybe see if he wants to go out, maybe he is bored or lonely perhaps.

    If you are really worried speak to your vet, maybe he has insomnia, maybe the vet can advise you or prescribe you something to help it sleep at night.

    Get ear plugs
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