
Why is my cat doing this?!?!? I'm so frustrated!!!

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My cat keeps crapping on my bed. He doesn't have worms. All his needs are fulfilled (clean litter box, plenty of food and water). My husband and I give him plenty of attention. He's done this like 5 times. The first time he did it is because he had worms but the rest has been since I had him de-wormed. Is there anything I can do to prevent this from happening???




  1. usually when a cat starts doing something like that its because something has changed in their daily routine. Something is stressing your cat out; It could be as small as arguing. or the changing of food or having strangers over it could be anything. What could be normal for you could be stressing your cat out.  Good Luck

  2. I had the same problem.  At first the  kitten couldnt find her litter box so she just went.  Then that spot became farmiliar.  You can buy nature's miracle spray which eliminates the odor.  I d throw away the sheets and get new ones, even if you wash them the odor is still present.  Also, try changing the litter, some cats are particular where they poo.  Ask the pet store about odor attract litter, it gives off a cats scent so they will use it.

  3. Try to reassure your pet of where their litter box is, once they get into a routine it is hard to break it.  Ask your vet also if you might try a different food and see if that doesn't help.

  4. While he had worms, your cat got in this habit. You'll have to break it by house-training him again. Try to catch him in the act, and as soon as you do, put him in the litter box, and put the stool in there with him.

  5. My male cat did the same thing with us! So frustrating and so gross! We tried everything, we gave him a little harmless swat when he would do it and said sternly NO chibi! Thats his name,  put his name in there when you are saying it to him, show him what you are taking about and while you are showing him say NO then his name.

    We tried that, and it didnt work, and eventually we just had to keep our bedroom door shut all the time. Its inconvientent, but its what we had to do. Good Luck! :)

  6. Was he wormed by the vet, or with something you picked up at the pet store?  It can take more than one treatment even of a vet-prescribed wormer to clear a cat of worms, and the pet-store stuff can be very ineffective.  He may or may not be clear of worms.

  7. Make sure you clean the blankets, sheets, and even the surface of the mattress with something formulated to get rid of the smells your cat left there. As long as the cat smells his p**p, he'll think it's okay to use the bed as a litter box.  

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