
Why is my cat hissing at herself when she looks in the mirror?

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my cat just woke up since she had surgery. she cant walk and when ever she looks at herself in the mirror she hisses. i cant hold her since she just got stitches and since she cant walk and I'm afraid shell fall down the stairs. she keeps hissing and meowing like shes in pain. what should i do?




  1. Call and ask your vet what you should do.

  2. well i think it normal for them to hiss because they think there's another cat witch they don't relies it s their self! its kinda funny! oh not to be mean to the cat but put a mirror in front of her while she's eating it won't hurt her she'll just hiss. but to get her to stop i would make her realize that its her!

  3. Because she thinks that it's another cat trying to take her spot and she's hissing at the mirror to show dominance.

    i would take the mirror away if I were you. If it's a sliding door mirror or you cannot move the mirror, than cover the mirror.

  4. go to the vet asap and take the mirror away from her btw cats cant tell thats them in the mirror they think its a nother cat!!!

  5. She might think her reflection is an unknown cat intruding on her territory.

    Why is she looking at herself in the mirror if she can't walk?

    Remove the mirror.

  6. bring her food, water bowl and litter box to her and keep her in a room away from anything that could hurt her. Give her a few days to heal. She probably has some pain from the surgery but it will pass quickly. Just sit next to her and pet her and love on her, that will help more than anything.

  7. maybe call the vet who did the surgery and ask what is wrong

    most likely they will give her pain medication if shes in pain

    or maybe she hissing at herself in the mirror cuz she doesnt like other cats?

    just take her to the vet and im sure they will make her feel better

  8. Ha ha, my cats do that, they just think it's another cat, when my cats do it it's soooooo, funny!

  9. yeah take her to the vet..if you cant afford the bill then take the mirror away? idk

  10. Well, she just had surgery so chances are, she IS in pain...didn't the vet give you people any painkiller for the poor thing?   She is hissing at what she thinks is another cat: it's a warning to the "other" cat to stay away from her mind she is defending her helpless little in pain self.

  11. she probably sees herself in mirror thinking it was another cat that makes her hissing.. if your cat still having plms with walking, take her back in vet check her up, stitches must be sore for her

  12. Its probably annoyed since the surgery and doesn't want any other cats around her since she's not well enough to defend herself. She probably thinks its another cat in the mirror and is hissing to tell it to stay away.

  13. that is normal because when she looks in the mirror0 she sees her own reflection and she thinks its another cat so she does what her instinct tells her to. you can comfort her while she is meowing and somebody in your family can call a vet if she doesn't stop over the weekend or sooner.

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