
Why is my cat sniffing/sneezing??

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My cat has been sniffing/sneezing for the past 2 days, and he also has diarrhea?

We took him to the vet a couple months ago because of the diarrhea and this pain he always has, ran a blood test and found nothing, but now he's making this sniffing/sneezing noise.

Can cats get a cold? I think we need to put him to sleep, he is getting very sick, but please post your answers just in case anyone knows what is wrong and we can help him.




  1. Cats can get upper respiratory infections, but I would recommend another VISIT to the vet!

  2. Again, is this guy for real? of coarse CATS GET SICK. And if you don't get this lil guy to the vet he may be in more trouble. Quit asking us and use your common sense you were born with and take him TO THE VET!! You knew something because you where guessing, Is my cat sick? well HELLO.

    I do hope he gets well, and buy yourself a medical book on cats!

  3. Cats can get upper respiratory diseases, and most can be treated, but it can become expensive.  If you cannot afford the care, and the cat is suffering, then I have to say yes, put him to sleep. If the cat is young, and not in distress - and you can't afford for his health care, then turn him over to a no-kill shelter, or get in touch with a breed-specific rescue group to find a foster.  (ie ... Maine Coons/mixes can get in touch with

  4. I agree with Penny.  Whatever he had before when you took him to the vet probably isn't even related to what he has now and he might have allergies too.  Antibiotics from the vet should clear up whatever he has quickly.

  5. cats can get viruses like humans, not same as humans.. it might clear up on own, if he has a runny or crusty nose or goopy eyes then it's probably a respitory infection that needs antibiotics only a vet can tell. sometimes they clear up on own.

  6. Are you saying you want to put the cat to sleep because he has a cold. Next time you get a cold should someone put you to sleep? Take him to the vet again and see what is going on with him. This isn't rocket science.

  7. Sounds like URI, upper respiratory infection, or a bad cold. If left unattended it can be lethal. The other signs of URI are runny nose and eyes, coughing, red irritated eyes, lack of appetite and lots of sleeping. URI is also very contagious between cats and spreads like wild fire to other cats in the house.

    The only way to get your kitty better is to get it to a vet as soon as possible. The vet will give him antibiotics for a week or more. Make sure you have plenty of fresh water out for him as you don't want him to dehydrate. He might not want to eat, but, that's okay as long as you get him checked out.

    URI is very lethal to cats, as I have stated above. I have seen cats die of this dreadful illness.  

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