
Why is my computer acting like it is in slow mode??

by  |  earlier

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It like I open a window and it pauses then slowly draws one up after about 10 seconds. I open an application it takes about 30 seconds to open up fully.

Why is my windows doing this. I have used virus and malware scans (spybot & SUPERAntiSpyware)




  1. As time progresses and as you use your cmoputer, it starts to get "slower". This reason is because you start to use up more space on your hard drive, you have more startup programs, Hard Drive becomes defragmented, Windows XP itself just wants to slow down

    Ways to speed up your comp:

    1. Click Start > Run > Type in "Msconfig" > Press Enter. Go to startup tab and click "Disable All", then Click Ok. Restar Computer.

    2. Download CC Cleaner and remove any temperary, cache junk to free up some hard drive space

    3. Defragment your Hard Drive ( It's normal for it to take a long time until the Defragment is done

    4. Delete any unnecessary programs. You should also only have 1 anti-virus and 1 spyware removing software.

    5. Give your computer more RAM. YOu can find out the type of RAM you need at Just click "Scan My System" and will tell you after the scan, what kind of RAM you need and provides and list of the RAM you can buy online.

    *6.Back all important files up such as pictures and reformat..

    *Step 6 is not reccomended, but is definitely effective. The problem with this is that not only you lose all your files(unless you backed them up), but it wipes out everything including the DRIVERS. You may need to search for them and that be a pain.

  2. my computer also started slow and i used spy bot too. but i called HP and they solved my problem. (cause i have HP notebook) it might be because you have too many files. try to erase stuff that you don't need. or maybe loaded games. to uninstall the game go to control panel and program and features and delete the stuff that you don't need. or go to start- system configuration or try system restore. if you need any more help from me i can help you, but try this first! good luck!!!

  3. It isn't windows. It is malware.

    Spybot S&D & SuperAntiSpyware won't protect you.

    It'll get out some of the popular infections but no anti-virus will guarantee your full protection. New viruses are made daily, and scanners just can't be updated to catch them all!

  4. Using a registry cleaner can clean up your computer and then make your computer faster,Why?the reason is that there may be some registry errors and remnant,corrupt files and temp files in your computer to cause "computer slow".

    Every time you install and uninstall software on your computer and surfing online you create junk in the computer registry.over time, the registry can grow to enormous proportions, especially if the various programs you've installed do not do a good job of deleting and/or updating it's Registry entries.You need to scan and clean your computer with registry cleaner to make it fast.Good Registry Cleaner will improve your computer and Internet performance dramatically!

    There are some comparison and review of TOP 5 registry cleaners.

    You can download and scan your computer for free.

  5. smack it and go

  6. Check

    With pc optimizer pro you can safely clean, repair and optimize your computer.

    It will help improve your system performance without expensive hardware upgrades.

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