
Why is my computer freezing up so much lately?

by  |  earlier

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i have a windows xp computer. i bought it in 2005 and its always worked right without any problems until now. lately its been freezing up a LOT, whether im looking in my documents or on the internet. i have norton internet security and spysweeper. i ran a full scan on both of them and they didn't find any viruses. does anyone know what could be wrong with it? and its not an issue of not having enough memory. theres plenty of space on my computer and i deleted a bunch of things that i didn't need. help?




  1. Check out

    With pc optimizer pro you can safely clean, repair and optimize your computer.

    It will help improve your system performance and stop your computer from freezing.

    Good luck!

  2. There are several primary areas that could be causing your computer to freeze.The most likely reason is that Corruption within your registry keys, registry classes, and registry settings.Any time you make a change to any of your computers settings and surfing online, they are stored and updated in the registry.Over time,the registry can grow to enormous proportions and full of junk and errors.So if you run a program,it will take a long time to required registry file and sometime it cant find its registry files since regsitry errors and then it has to sit there.So your computer will freeze.

    You need to run a self diagnostic program called regsitry cleaner.This program is very very useful,it can fix regsitry errors,clean registry remnant,corrupt files and temp files in a few minutes.Then give you a bran-new and high-speed computer.There are collection and comparison of top rated registry cleaner: .You can download and scan your computer for free.

  3. You have spyware or a trojan if the sofatware you have won't detect any its because  its out of date antivirus software expires after a year or two and you can't get new updates, so the program won't be able to detect new viruses or spyware. Buy a new one if it expired already. Try defender pro 5 in 1 is for 20 dollars at wal-mart or you can restore it to its factory setting that way you start again from the beggining.

  4. you might not have enough ram and hard disk or if the case is worse u might still have some viruses so ntry to clean up some files that u dont use no more and programs and use good security softwares to chk for viruses like avira which is free good  luck

  5. 2005  !  ,   if you have virus then its easy to ride from it , but if its spyware that would be a problem , because most hackers made Undetectable Servers(Spywares) from mostly all anti viruses  , i personally do ethical hacking , and i made the server  90 % undetectable from  [Norton , mcaffee , KasperSky , Node32 , Bitdefender , Avast  etc.]  , but AVG and AntiVir detect it , spywares are injected  with popular executable <.exe>  files  like <internet explorer , FirFox, MSN , task manager etc.> if i were you i would download AVG free edtion , and scan my pc , if that didn't  help , i will give my PC a quick format !

    *** Never Accept/Open  files from unreliable sources , spec[.EXE files]

    *** Never open unknown sites/links .

    *** Keep your AV up to Date .

  6. maybe you go on websites that have pop-ups or something like that my computer used to freeze and get slower but i got a new one and we got um the norton safe virus thingy so yeh it doesnt happen too much but if it does then just give it some time to load and leave it on dont turn it off!

  7. Use CCleaner to clean all those junk files u may have


    if it doesnt help try this


  8. Could have downloaded a a virus that norton and spyware can't pick up on. Had Windows xp also just bought e-machine 2 weeks ago, much better. Best of luck, figuring out your problem.

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