
Why is my culinary instructor weird?

by Guest67042  |  earlier

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Most of the time he's in a normal way.then out of no where he makes electric guitar noises(waowao) .But the worst is the"what the f**k you guys cant do $h!t around here!

why is that?




  1. Perhaps the students are annoying him and he loses it!

  2. BiPolar. It happens. haha sounds like a fun guy though you guys should start your own air-band haha

  3. well clearley he might be in stress the air guitar thing is his inner child all he needs iis for you and the rest of the people to play along

    ~Kadiija Ahmed

  4. maybe your classs sucks and he can only take so much before he losses it and goes crazy.

    Are you a good student?!?!! that may be the real question here.

  5. Sounds to me as though he's somewhat unstable and definitely should not be teaching.

    I had someone like that when I was at school-it was the time when the Teddy Boys were all the rage-the early '60's. I was about 12 at the time, he used to call us all "Teddy Babies" then grab our pens off our desks and throw them out of the window!!

    How berks like that get into teaching I can't imagine but once they do get there it seems to be nigh on impossible to get rid of them.

  6. He Might be skitzo!

    Shawn C.

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