
Why is my cuzin and aunt such MORONS??

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Ok heres the story..

it started off with a dog..poor lived in the back yard..tied to a tree...was never bathed..and had lots of wounds from its battle with a wild deer and what did they do...? Nothing..Animal Cops took it away from them..(im glad they did)

few weeks later they get 2 bunnys : they set them free because they dont want them anymore...(and there are wild foxes and raccons and federal cats that live where she lives *see shes soo dumb!*)

she gets another rabbit....sets that one free too!

Gets a dog *it was soo cute and adorable~* pooped to much and blah blah blah and it turned out

it had Diabetes....they gave it back to its original owner..and now they are getting a bird?!?!?!?!??

My cuzin says its cute and easy to take care of

my aunt says its cheap to buy and doesnt p**p much..

but you two i have a story to tell you!

they are not easy,unless my cuzin becomes more smarter and

can AUTUALLY take care of an animal!

Just because it is cheap doesnt mean it dosent p**p much -all birds p**p and pee they have to be taken care of they dont know the meaning of responsibility!

They have to learn that!

They are beging my MOM and Dad for money and working for them now...


What is wrong with these morons?!?!?!!??





  1. I think your aunt and cousin are pathetic, but I also think your spelling is pathetic, too.

    PS: What&#039;s a federal cat?  Do you mean feral?

  2. Sounds more like animal abuse, than stupidity.... But some people just love animals, but arn&#039;t ready for the resposibility.... Sounds to me like they should just stop with the animals for a bit untill they get a little older, and learn a little more responsibility.


  3. Yah I understand. I loved animals too and would be mad to see something like that.

  4. It must be all those federal cats...

    d**n THE GOVERNMENT for putting all those cats around the property.  Well, hopefully the federal cats will be like most federal employees, and slow to action, so the bunnies can get away.

    (Did you mean Feral cats, btw?)

    Well, I would just regularly call the aspca, if I were you... and have these people as part of their regular rounds.  People like this need a regular agent patrol, so things won&#039;t get out of hand.

    Best of luck.

  5. Wow, talk about animal cruelty. It could have been worse, though. I think you should really tell your parents not to help them with the money in any way. They aren&#039;t good &quot;parents&quot; and should not be allowed to have a pet. Let them know birds aren&#039;t easy. Fish aren&#039;t all that easy, either, if you think about it. You still have to clean their &quot;house&quot; and make sure they get fed properly (many people don&#039;t know what too much fish food is and end up killing the fish. Fish also p**p).

    But, are they the pathetic ones, or are the people giving them pets the ones who are worse? Tell your parents to make them promise to you and your parents that the next pet will be a keeper. What they&#039;re doing is wrong and you shouldn&#039;t take part in this attitude of hers. Your parents are helping her make the money, and that means they are also  helping her get another pet she will throw out. That&#039;s not cool, either.  

  6. Yes, but your grammar isn&#039;t making you look too intelligent either.  As for the cat it is called a feral cat not federal as in the government.  There should be a law preventing people who lose pets due to cruelty or abuse from getting another pet.  If they had the dog taken away have they been sited yet?  Often they get a citation to appear in court and are given a fine for the offense.  

  7. it sounds like they are abusing their animals u can tell the animal cops and they can restrict them from owning a pet that could help their money problome

  8. they r just like the un-educated millions of americans we try to educate ourselves about responsible pet ownership. people just dont care and think of animals as toys and not living feeling beings. there is probably nothing you can do, other than educate them on responsible pet ownership.

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