
Why is my dad such a prick?

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My dad is a prick. He calls me profane names all of the time, he hits me when he's upset with me, he doesn't care about me at all, and he is never there for me. Where does this behavior coming from. How can someone hate their own child?




  1. Your father most likely dealt with some form of child abuse/neglect when he was a kid. "you recreate your family wherever you go" is what was taught in my Introduction to family systems class. His mother or father may have treated him badly leaving him with issues that he transfers to you.  

  2. If the prick hits you, report him to the appropriate agency.  You are being abused.  Wake up.

  3. There are pricks (a******s, bad people) in this world.

    Most people have kids.

    There are bound to be some pricks (a******s, bad people) with kids.


    Call for help.  911/Cops/Child services/tell a school counsellor.

  4. I'm sorry you have such a horrible dad.  No one deserves to be treated like you are. I don't think he hates you although it feels that way.  He probably hates himself.  What about your mother?  Does she know this is going on?

  5. Call protective services. Just because he's upset doesn't mean he has the right to hit you.

  6. call child services

  7. If your dad hits you, call someone

  8. Honey - First of all, your dad doesn't hate you. This is all he knows from his childhood. Sounds like your dad is doing to you what his dad or mom did to him. It's time you broke this vicious cycle and tell someone who can help you get out of this situation. Maybe go to a relatives house until your dad gets the help he needs. What is your mom doing while all of this is going on? Calling you names and hitting you is so inappropriate and is definitely emotional, physical and verbal abuse. Please get the help you deserve - if all else fails consider calling someone official - Dept. of Child Services, the law, a church leader, anyone who can take you out of this nightmare. good luck and try to take of yourself (and your siblings and mom) by getting out of there.

  9. he cares for you and does not want you making mistakes

  10. Wow.....We seem to have the same problem (and your name is my nickname) Ha ha....


    I don't really know why our dads do this, but I think that it might have been that he was pretty much allowed to do whatever he wants as a teen. So he thinks that he can do whatever he wants with his family.

    I remember that I use to cry when my dad hit me or said something mean. Now I've grown stronger. He has hit me, and I don't do anything but glare at him and tell him not to hit me. And when he insults me or calls me horrid names, then I just pretend I didn't hear and interupt him by randomly saying "Hey, what are we doing today mom??" or "(My sister's name) what are you doing?"

    Then he get's mad.....(And I am secretly pleased)

    Or he will yell at me and i will just stare at the T.V.

    Then he will ask if I was even listening to him, and I will say no and keep watching T.V.

    I am a very good person and have no reason for my dad to be treating me this way, but he does anyway.

    What I have learned to do is to fight back and never show fear or sadness infront of my dad. When he hurts me, I am so furious that i don't feel the pain until afterwards..........

    Just make sure that you are a few feet away when you talk to him about your feelings and how he hurts you so that he doesn't hit you again. And go to your room afterwards so that he can think things through instead of yelling at you then.

    I am sorry this happens to you. :(

    I hope everything get's better.


  11. He probably doesn't hate you, he may have trouble realizing that you're growing up. Sometimes fathers can't accept that their daughters are growing up and they have trouble with coping with that. You could call child services since him hitting you is illegal. As far as him not being there for you and calling you profane names, I would try to sit down with him while he is calm and try to talk to him about why he is mean to you. If you stay calm and focused on the conversation and do not become upset you may make some progress in bettering your relationship. Good luck

  12. How can someone hate their family... you've just given us your reasons for "hating him"; does he have any reason to "hate you?"

  13. with the way you  talk with a guttermouth I can understand why you have problems

  14. dont worry all fathers are like that

  15. He shouldn't be calling you names,and as far as him hitting you when he is upset with you, there are 2 sides to that story hon.I am curious as to what his side is.

  16. The local Red Cross or Salvation Army can tell you where to report him for child abuse. It is illegal and you need to put a stop to it for your well being.  

  17. if he hits you, thats probably not legal.

  18. Okay, these idiots who are telling you that he cares for you? Wrong.

    Your dad has serious mental issues, and whatever he says to you only reflects what he thinks of himself. When he hits you, he's lashing out at others when he really is upset with himself.

    If he's doing all this to you, he's an abusive father. When he says these horrible things to you, don't listen.

    You need to talk to someone who can help you out with this, someone in your area. You can't have this abuse hurled at you, you are worth way more.

    Good luck and stay strong.

  19. if you feel your being abused maybe you should call child services

  20. You dad has HUGE issues. What he is doing to you is abuse and you should definitely tell someone who can help you.  

  21. I am sorry you are having to live with this person.

    Have you reported him to Human Services.  He may have such a low self esteem that he feels better by only insulting you. Stand up for yourself, tell him if he lays another finger on you or insults you again, you will report him, then do it.

    Have you talked to another adult you can trust, if there is nobody to talk to there, go up another level and don't stop until you find someone that will help you.

    Good luck.

  22. look, this is something that the government calls abuse! And you shouldn't stand for it, get out now and save yourself.

    As for explaining why your dad does it, he either has a behavioral problem, mental issues, or he was abused as a kid too, and again, it could be all three mixed into one.

    please save yourself the pain and leave, you can have a better life, i promise  

  23. im very sorry. but if this is a serious issue, call child services. usually he might have the problem from a lot of stress. if its possible, make things calmer around the house. good luck!

  24. Alcahol, drugs etc. Talk to yer mom about it. Give her altimatems. Either she helps solve the problem or the police will. Assuming your not like 7 years old. Email me if it continues. I "do" care.

  25. call dyphus

  26. you should take this out with ur dad. and if it still doesnt work try going to a counselor. but if it gets to out of control and he still hits u then i think you should call child abuse(only if ur under 18). and if your over 18, then try moving out.

  27. all i hav to say is that he is a jerk

  28. Well, sounds to me like some sort of social/psychopathic problems. Your dad shouldn't be hitting you or calling you names just because he's angry with you. I'd reccomend talking to someone you can trust at a school, work, etc. about it soon.

    Another possibility could be drug/alcohol abuse?

    Hope everything turns out better.

  29. My mom is the same way dont worry...just talk to him that might work it worked with my mom..just give it while and hope that it will get better. If it doesnt then do something about it. And i dont think he hates you he probually just dont want you ******* up..At least he is there for you to feed you and **** My real mom hates me..she hasnt talked to me since i was 1 and she abonned me. I mean hate is a very strong word so i doubt that he hates you. Life sucks just learn to deal with it...The longer u hold on the better it gets trust me..just like that one song if your going through h**l..It will get better some day..just hang in there.

  30. When you find out, please explain to me. I'm trying to figure out why my mom hates ME, and what *I* did to deserve such a prick of a mother.

    I think jerks are born that way. its the only possible explanation.

  31. He's a prick because he's a man and men are selfish and hurtful.

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