
Why is my daughter becoming a b*tch!?!?

by  |  earlier

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I am 40 + and she is 19 and has (born Sat ) baby girl...She calls asking for help cuz her milk came in, baby wont nurse cuz sleepy, and Mom is in pain...I tell her to squeeze it out, or, use the pump from the hospital, or to have dad suck some out, just to relieve the pressure...! She calls me back and tells me the dads called his father and sis, and they will get her a fancy new pump... I say that's nice but what was wrong with my advice?, and she gets mad and hangs up on me! Didn't she ask for my help! I gave her the normal options, and gets ticked at me for telling her she didn't even use my advice?

I understand she is tender, but that comes with breastfeeding...What else should I have done...I am not made of money! (mind you... the first thing that her boyfriend said after baby was born was, Oh wow, I can't wait till we get that fat check from grandma! Am I the only one who sees this guy as using the baby as a means to gain more money from the family?)




  1. Uhhhhhhhhh.

  2. Shes not a b*tch,, she jus a new mommy. cut her some slack. emotions are prolly runnin craszy right now!!

  3. Ho-ly ****!

  4. Its just all those hormones. Her body is trying to get back to normal from when before she had a baby. So don't take it so hard that shes all moody and B*tchy . as you should know its stressful to have a child especially your first.

  5. if she wears a good support bra or puts cool compresses on her b*****s it will help. if the dad sucks it out or if she pumps she will make more milk and her body will regulate faster milk production from the stimulation.  she needs to save the milk for the baby to suck. the baby needs sucking for many reasons and needs to eat. when the baby gets rest and gets really hungry, the baby will fix her problem naturally.  if she wants to nurse the baby she doesnt want to give the baby a bottle or the baby may not want to nurse and then she will miss out on the bonding of nurising. nursing a baby is a beautiful thing to do for the mom and the baby. most young people see a baby as a big responsability and a lot of work and if they dont, they will see for themselves...reality is a baby is expensive and no parent benefits financially...he was being silly to say that...

    dont be so sensetive to your daughter's words because this is a hard time for her. scarey and stressful. we take it out on the ones we love the most! listen and be suportive.

  6. she is probably so used of you doing everything for her that when you tell her something she don't like, or don't want to hear she gets pissed, i do the same thing to my mom, i'm 19 and she is 42 years old, when she tells me things i get pissed and hang up because i sometimes don't feel like hearing her s**t. It's a part of growing up and being a teenager. It's nothing to worry about, that's just how teen girls are. Congrats on your granbaby!

  7. I am confused on what she did that made her a b*tch? First of all,

    That is really weird that part of the advice you gave her is to have dad suck out the milk. That is not "normal" advice! There were so many other things you could have told her. Of course she went somewhere else for advice. And maybe she was just telling you that the dad's family is buying her a pump to just let you know. You say "that's nice but what was wrong with my advice" I can see why she got mad and hung up. It doesn't sound like she is the one with the problem. You should have just said "that was nice of them" and left it at that.  

  8. Sounds like she wanted someone to solve her problem, not just give her advice. Not your fault at all! She probably is realizing that it's harder than she thought and needs help but doesn't want to come out and ask. So you give advice so you won't intrude but it sounds like she needs help. Do everything possible that you can without spending money because sounds like he likes to take advantage of situations.

  9. have  talk with her, the bf  is a d**n jerk.

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