
Why is my dog acting like this???!?

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My family adopted a 2yr old Great Dane/Lab mix from the shelter last year. We have a large fenced in yard, and the dog used to love sitting outside laying under the trees. He has a dog house, toys, and a big bowl of water whenever he'd go out. Now he won't go outside - he won't listen when we call him to go out AT ALL. I thought it may have been the heat, but its been cool all week, and he still won't go. He will whine, and bark at the door the second hes outside. When we try to get him out he will run into his crate, or hide behind the couch. He will drop his body onto the carpet when we try to bring him outside. Its ridiculous I don't understand why hes all of a sudden won't listen to us when we call him, and won't go outside?? Any ideas? Nothing in the home routine has changed this happened out of nowhere. He also gets 3 long walks a day which he still enjoys.




  1. Perhaps he just wants to be where you are. Our dog doesn't like to be outside if we aren't with him.  The others are right, it is possible he had a bad experience outside.  Try giving him treats or bits of food every time he is outside so he learns to associate being outside as a good thing.

  2. Rescue dogs are real touchy about things especially when they are first introduced to your home. something may have reminded him of a tragic moment from his old home, something could have spooked him, or he just may be testing you to see if he can get away with acting like this. We have had a rescue in our home now for a year and even though she was abused terribly at her old home we do not treat her any differently then our dogs. she gets loved just as much (with no special attention toward her past) and she also gets disciplined just the same as the others. Something you can try would be not to baby him about not going outside (but not forcefully dragging him out the door either) you do need to show your dog that he is not the one in control of the situation. go outside the door first (to show him that you will be just fine outside) then invite him outside by saying "come" (or your choice of simple command) make it a simple command such as "come" not "come here" or "come on" (in a higher pitch) if you don't be firm about your command your dog wont listen and he will never face his fear of whatever happened outside. we do not discipline our dogs by hitting them or being aggressive toward them but they understand who's boss by our commands.  

  3. Something traumatic happened while he was out in the back yard. You may never know what it was but it is pretty clear he is fearful of something or someone out back. It could have simply been a noise but it was enough to leave him shaken.

  4. Something happened. It could be something simple like, he was stung by a bee... Heres how to fix it.

    You need to get him outside, take his leash and put the Clip through the Handle, so you have a choke collar, almost. Put the loop you have made at the top of his neck, near his head. (Gosh this is hard to explain through just typing) When you want to move a large animal, like a donkey or in your case Great put the leash at the top of the head. Once you get the dog through then shut the door and just sit out there with him to make him feel safe. Maybe try this the night of an Outdoor Family BBQ~

    Good Luck....

    hope you understood me...I know, I make no sense when i'm not verbally explaining something. Lol.

    EDIT: YAY! I found the episode....

    (click on Season 1 and go to Kane.)

  5. well mabye he got hurt outside or mabye when he was a puppy he was left outside and never came in for a long time in serious heat so he wont go out for a while!

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