
Why is my dog acting weird and not eating?

by Guest61667  |  earlier

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My dog is a 9 year old Lhasa Apso. He's always been in great health and had plenty of energy, and this was the case up until about two days ago. We brought him back from a weekend at the kennel about a week ago and he was totally fine, until he seemed to develop cold-like symptoms (sneezing, wheezing occasionally as if to bring up phlegm).

He's always been a kind of picky eater, but now its almost impossible to get him to eat. We've tried switching brands, which worked for about a day, but now he's back to eating almost nothing (that I've seen). To top it all off, the past few days he's been slinking around apparently trying to find new places to hide. He usually sleeps on the couch, but this morning I had to turn the whole house upside down to find him to the point where I called my mother in tears, thinking he'd some how gotten outside and run off. Right now he's following me around obsessively and curling up and lying down by my feet if I stop for more than a few seconds.

I'm worried. He's always been completely healthy and alert, to the point where we joke that he's still a puppy. Any ideas?




  1. When a dog is acting like this and not eating it's time for a trip to the vet.  

  2. Take him to the vet!  He can't show you any more clearly that there's something wrong.

  3. Call your vet.

  4. Without looking at the other answers, I'd say this is the onset of Kennel Cough.  Classic - week to 10 days incubation.  Recently in kennels.  He's feeling pretty rotten.  Get some Benylin into him, child's dose.  If he doesn't pick up, or gets worse, contact your vet.  But if you do have to take him in, please do not take him into the waiting area - leave him in the car, or outside until your vet is ready to see him.  This spreads like wild-fire and the fewer out there to spread it, the better.  It's especially hard on puppies and the elderly.  He may need antibiotics although basically you can't treat KC, just the symptoms.  It's a virus.  Even if your dog was jabbed prior to going into kennels, there are so many varieties of this wretched bug, that you can't be sure he'd protected.

    More often than not, they shake this off (but remember even after the symptoms have stopped, he's still infected, so keep him away from others for a little longer) but if you are worried, speak to your vet.

  5. i would go to the vet , could be a cold ,dog flu (dangerous and deadly) or kennel cough. all can be serious or fatal if not treated.

  6. this sounds very much like kennel cough, the vet can give your pup the right meds to get him back on track, pls call the vet asap

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