
Why is my dog chewing her foot?

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So shes a 9 week old American Eskimo..she chews on the same foot like every so often..usually when shes hyper???

ive searched for an answer....and people say like different ones..

i dont think she has allergies....? so..could it just be because shes bored, and it itches????

thanks in advance




  1. my dog just chews his feet when he's bored....idk? and if there are no fleas or anything then that may be what it is. :)good luck!

  2. Mine do that too.  I thought it was because their feet were sore from being on them.

  3. You need to stop it right away, or it will be a habit for life.

    She could be bored, or she could have a fungal infection in the beds of her nails, or she could have a food allergy.  Please see the vet,and try to figure out which it might be.  Something needs to be treated or done differently, or she will have real damage to the foot soon.

  4. Go to the vet, and they will take a look at the foot. If it is irritated, they will give you a spray to make the itching slow down. Hope this helps.

  5. my dane has an infection in he paw so thats why she is chewing right now...

    but pay attention to whats happening before she is chewing: did you just excercize (could he feet be sore from running)? was she playing in a specific grass or plant? did you just clean the floor?

    try to pin down whats causing the irritation  

    in the mean time try soaking her feet in epsom salt water to relieve the irritation and good luck  

  6. ITS AN ALLERGY my beagle does the same thing it could be something in her foot making it sore my dogs nails need to be cut i know how to do this my self but i just got her and cant find mine she bites her foot and nails and some times its a little red ive tryed to put meds on it but she still does this some times not all the time...i would go and have it checked out....

  7. usually when it hurts, dogs will chew their foot.

  8. check if she has any flea bites on her foot or any injuries or cuts. if u see any problems, take her to vet

  9. maybe theres muc,food, or something is iratating the skin.

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