
Why is my dog humping?

by  |  earlier

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my dog is 12 yrs old and desexed and all of a sudden he just started humping my slipper and when i push him away he keeps humping a little, why is he since he's desexed and never done this before?




  1. lol

  2. Humping not always means your dog is in the mood. It is a way of showing dominance. Not only that but they do it when they get in a playful state of mind. So they do it out of excitement/playfulness.

  3. he is getting old,  wants to see how s*x would have been  before he dies

  4. Humping isn't just for the s*x. It's also a sign of dominance. He could be trying to dominate you, or it could be life changes.  

  5. Sounds like he may be having some signs of dementia.  Has he been to a vet lately?  Maybe nothing really wrong with him, but with behavor changes you would want to have him looked over at his age.

  6. Domineering Probably...
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