
Why is my dog making weird gagging noises?

by Guest57630  |  earlier

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Is she sick? or is it normal? Lately she has been making these/gagging coughing noises and I don't know what's wrong with her! is she ok?




  1. She could have a cold you really need to take her to the vet and let them check her out.  It may be nothing but why take the chance.   I have seen dogs do this where they will chew at their own hair and then they will gag it is because they get the fur down their throat.  Good luck.

  2. You should take her to the vet to be sure, but it sounds like kennel cough. This is a virus that produces almost flu like symptons in dogs, main sign being a dry hacking cough. It is very contagious so keep her away from other dogs.  Here's an article with symptoms, treatment, etc.

    Hope she feels better!

  3. She is choking/something logged in the troth quick take her to a vet..

    I think that some bone must have got stuck in her troth. but the choking is not too bad as she would have collapsed by noy if it was a full choke.

    This had happned to my dog as well  

  4. It might be allergies. A reverse sneeze.

  5. could b both maybe get her 2 eat sum grass and see if shes sick of that or maybe she just likes doing

  6. It is not normal unless they have just eaten. she may have something stuck in her throat. You may want to take her to the vet if it continues. She may be sick. My dogs will gag after they have eaten but it is because they don't chew enough, also our food is dry.

  7. I agree with kennel cough, especially if she's been around any other dogs lately. When I first took home my dog Larry, he made those same gagging/coughing/dry heaving symptoms.

    Good news, it's not that big of a deal, your dog isn't choking--it's like a bad cold. Bad news, you really should take her to the vet and get some antibiotics (although the case may not be severe enough), and you're going to have to quarantine your pup away from other dogs for about two weeks (the vet will tell you more).

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