
Why is my dog not wanting to go for walks anymore?

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I have a 3 yr. old Shih Tzu and she use to enjoy going for walks now it seems as though she dreads it...Why? Also she has been breathing very heavily with her tounge out (not in heat she's spayed) what is going on??




  1. You  should take her to a vet and have her tested for heart worms, they can cause shortness of breath and being tired, and a cough. And the vet can check for other problems to. So take her to vet soon, the sooner the better.  

  2. ANY alteration in your dogs' behaviour which worries should be acted on. Get her to a vet, please!!

  3. well it is hot out.... and she could be over waight......

  4. Can't tell you, we can't see your dog.

    But from you are describing there is obviously something wrong and she needs to be seen by a vet.  

  5. I agree with Bindi.  The drop in interest in activities worries me.  And the heavy breathing plus her tongue hanging out is cause for concern.  She does sound sick and should be seen by the vet first thing tomorrow. -!-

  6. try making the walk a more positive experience by enticing her with treats and praise

  7. i would ask the vet if she has arthritesst

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