
Why is my dog suddenly peeing in the house...out of spite or nervous, and why??

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I have three chihuahuas that have always been perfect when it comes to potty training. When we moved into our house, 2 1/2 years ago, we installed a doggy door. They went in the house maybe two times at the very beginning, but when they got used to the doggy door they ALWAYS went outside. We have never came home to an accident in the house. Even when we went out of town for a week and had someone come by to check on them only briefly every day, they still always went outside.

One of the dogs, the male, has recently started peeing and pooping in the house at night. I have always locked him( and sometimes the girls) out of the bedroom because he snores very loudly. Sometimes I would only lock him out and sometimes I would lock the other two out as well. He has never had a problem with sleeping in the living room at night while we are just in the other room.

Now all of the sudden he has started peeing or pooping on the tile in our kitchen or bathroom. He is not pooping or peeing on the wood floor. And, he has a doggy door he could easily go out. One of the times he did it , the other dogs were even out there with him. So, my question is why? Why would he suddenly start getting anxious. It is very hard for me not to assume that he is just doing this out of spite. I know that is not supposed to be true, but why else would he be doing this? How do people know that they don't do it out of spite? I would really like to know. If you are a vet or know a lot about dogs, I would love to know the factual, scientific reason. I am just really curious and I need to know what to do with my dog. Thanks! :)




  1.     It all depends on several factors. If it is a male, then the likelihood of it happening is all too common. I started off with a miniature pinscher 14 years ago, and he did it till the day he died, even after having him fixed. Three years before he died, i got another miniature pinscher and had him fixed while he was still young, and to no avail. He still pees in the house even now. Could be just the little, nervous dogs have this problem. I'm not sure. But, i have a larger female which is a mixed breed and she never goes in the house and i've had her for seven years now. I think it's mostly the males. More territorial i think.

  2. Take him to the vet and have him checked for bladder stones or a urinary tract infection.

    Bladder stones are very serious, especially in male dogs, so do it ASAP.

  3. He may have something wrong, a vet would be able to diagnose any real problems for you.

    After you have crossed off medical reasons, you can safely assume he's being spiteful. Chihuahuas are known for this. I have 2. My male has peed in my shoe before, as well as almost peed on my husband's favored pillow. All out of spite. The pillow was retaliation at my husband for yelling at him... it hurts his feelings to be yelled at. The shoe was retaliation for me leaving him to go shopping with Mom one day. He hasn't done it in a long time, but then, did he learn his lesson? Or did we learn ours? hmm...

  4. my dog did the same thing and when I took him to the vet for a check up I told him what tuffers was doing and he told me that tuffers was doing it knowing it was wrong to let me know he was sick. And he was he a kidney infection. dogs do things they know are wrong to get ur your vet.

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