
Why is my ex boyfriend ignoring me? and how can i change that

by  |  earlier

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Me and my Ex broke up a while ago, we were friends after but then i kept trying it on and pushing it. So on friday i asked him one more time to take me back and he said no, he sent me a text saying 'Take care, look after yourself' and now he wont text me back. I text him saying i can handle being friends now and he keeps ignoring me, its horrible,

Do you think he will ever talk to me again?

I am 20 he is 28




  1. Probably not.  Look at it as an opportunity to meet someone who will appreciate you.  Trying to force someone to be with you or have a strike of not dating other guys is.... well.... Unhealthy.  You are young.  Learn to explore life.  There are other fish in the sea.  

  2. I dont think so!

    I dont think he will talk to you since when you were going out it didnt work out and then when he gave you a chance again you managed to ruin that too so why do you think you deserve more chances???

  3. Yoda gave you a great answer!(comparing on guys interest in girls  to a part of a book and a very small part too!)

    And it is really true a ex bf or gf is in the past and better to go on and be around someone else. Because everyone has different things they are looking for and that is why people become exs and distance themselves from other people.

  4. He doesn't want to be with you at all and because you keep pushing him to be more than friends, he no longer wants wants even your friendship.

    You should move on--you're too young to be stuck on someone like that!

  5. Since he is so busy at work just give him a break for a while.  It is very hard to be "just friends" with a guy after he has been your boyfriend.

  6. It's better for him to be honest with you rather than to pretend to like/love you ,,,, Regardless of who broke it off he's your X now ,,,,  Lay it down and leave it alone ,,,, He broke it off with you for a reason ,,,,I don't think it's for the reasons you stated but it doesn't really matter ,,,,Trying to communicate with him now is making you look like a pest and is only going to drive him further away ,,,,  Remember that to a girl a guy can be a thick novel or a long running series on TV ,,,, To a guy a girl is just a chapter in that book or just an episode in that series ,,,,He's not the only fish in the pond ,,,, leave him alone ,,,, It's his loss not  yours ,,,, //

  7. He maybe will talk to you again - but he is your ex for a reason, don't expect him to talk to you everyday because he probably won't as he has to move on and get on with his life, so do you.. like you said he has a lot of work to do, he dumped you because you wernt seeing each other alot and not having any fun, and you were very important then, now your not together he may see you differently, and not as in important so he may not have time. But don't give up - and don't be too strong take it slow - He maybe just needs time too think!!

    Good Luck & By the sounds of it you do need another chance!

  8. it is probably better just to move on...sometimes trying to be friends is to hard bc you can still be effected by those feelings you had for the other person

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