
Why is my ex so crazy?!?

by  |  earlier

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My ex and I broke up about eight years ago. He got married shortly after we broke up, eleven months after to be exact, and relocated. Over the past eight years, we've had a very interesting situation: we try to reconcile and be cordial to each other, but somehow the communication breaksdown and he ends up pulling a Dr. Jekly-Mr. Hyde.

Case in point: We spoke by text message last month. I heard he had a baby and sent him a message wishing him and his family well. He wrote back and said thank you, but then added that we couldn't be friends because it's not healthy for either one of us. He then wished me well and told me to take care. Fine. I said thank you and left it at that. The next evening, he sends me a text accusing me of calling his house and hanging up. I don't have his house number and would never call his house even if I did. He then says, "I don't understand why you do this. Calling and hanging up. It's so childish. Is your purpose to make sure I never want you back? Well it's worked! Even if I were single I would not want you back because of this."

So I took offense to what he said because (1) I never called his house, (2) I felt like he was using me as a scapegoat to cover his *** for whoever ELSE it is that he's probably messing with that is now calling his house, and (3) what married man says to his ex that she's engaging in tactics to make sure he never comes back to her? Am I crazy? I mean I thought when you got married, and with the eight years since we've been together, the last thing he would ever say is soemthing like that. I just don't get it. Advice?

Needless to say, I told him I've had enough of the back and forth and bipolar foolishness, and that he was not going to use me as a scapegoat. He then told me that he was blocking all communication from me and good-bye forever. So sixth grade. I just don't get it. How are you decent one day and crazy the next?




  1. I do agree with you that the behavior is strange; it's possible that he's attempting to hide some deep emotions that he has for you?? In any case, I do agree with his statement that it's not healthy for both of you to have a friendship now that he's married with kids. It's best for yourself and him to just keep the distance, allow him to live his life with his family and for you to move on and find someone else.

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