
Why is my eye lid swollen?

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For the past day or 2 my eye has been hurting. I thought it was because my eyelashes were stuck together because of my make up. So I stopped wearing make up the eye was still hurting. So I put eye drops in thinking that would help. It helped a little but still no big results. I go to bed and than today I wake up with my eyelid extremely swollen. I'm only allergic to dust so I doubt its allergies. Can someone help please?




  1. I still could be allergies...Maybe something is in your eyes.. or did you get hit? One of the 3.

  2. huh......maybe something bit you when you were sleeping, spiders and other bugs bite at night often.

    If you don't think this is it, try looking at this list of stuff that cause eyelid swelling.

  3. it sounds like a stye to me... just wait three or four days and it'll go away... i could be wrong, and i'm not a doctor or anything, so this might help:

  4. hey, im pretty sure i know what you have, you have a sty, they are caused by and eyelash that has fallen out and then germs get in the folical and infect it. Its nothing to lose sleep over, hot water on a cloth or paper towel would be good to put on your eyelid, this speeds up the process. ive had them the last for a few days and then they get better.

  5. It sounds like to me that you have a sty.  You need to call your doctor and have them look at it.  For the time being you can put a warm washrag on it for up to 15 mins.  and the you can leave it off for about 15 mins and then reapply the warm rag.  I hope that this helps and I hope that your eye gets better.  have a good day.

  6. You should visit the docter to check what it is. Maybe your right an allergic reaction! My mums eye goes swollen and waters. Does yours water?  

  7. Mine use to get swollen too. The cause of it is either allergies or it's infected with bacteria. Try rinsing your eyes out with warm water or go to a drug store and go to the pharmacy section and ask the person who's working there what they recommend to get rid of the swelling.

  8. It sounds like you have a stye...this should go away within 3-5 days . Try "Similasan" Stye eye relief eye drops...most drug stores, until you can get it try a nice warm compress. If it doesn't go away try a doctor, it may be pink eye, which will also go away soon, they also sell an eye drop for that... But whatever you do don't rub your eye and touch your other eye unless your hands are washed because it can spread into your other eye, or to someone else.  

  9. it could be one of three things...some allergy that u are not aware of, something small is stuck behind eyelid to make it inflamed, or theres an infection or something growing behind eyelid-i had this one once n looked like a swollen oval on my eyelid n it needs a quick operation-took like 15 minutes by the i would go check the doc because u don't want the eye to get worse

  10. maybe eye infection? or try making sure your eyelashes are not touching your eye to irritate it. Then just close your eyes and put some ice on it.

  11. you probably have a stye, and yes it may make you look like the hunchback of notredame i got that wonderful nickname when i had one but i don't remember how i got rid of it, but it goes away don't worry about it

  12. I think something bit it, that happened to me you should put some ice on it, that's what i did and it went down.  

  13. "Can someone help please?"

    Yes, a doctor could.  Probably a lot better than complete strangers over the internet could.

  14. It's possible you have a sty, if u slightly lift up ur eye lid and at the edge do u see a pimple like mark. Im not an expert but my friend had one once and had to go to the doctors and have it drained out. If it worsens go get it checked out

  15. You either have the start of pink eye (conjunctivitus) and need a antibiotic OR you are allergic to something in the makeup ORRR you blocked a duct.  Try boiling water and sticking a tea bag in it.. wring out the teabag and put it in a cloth, hold it (even though it is WICKED hot!) on your eye until it cools and repeat atleast once.  Over a few days of doing this it should clear out.  BE SURE THE TEA BAG IS NOT BOILING YOU DONT WANT TO BURN YOUR SKIN!!!

    My son's tear duct blocks up often and we do this and it works.

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