
Why is my eye stinging..?

by  |  earlier

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I woke up this morning, and my right eye was stinging. I don't think it's conjunctivitis, as there wasn't any gunge in my eye.

The blood vessels seem normal, and it stings when i put any water on it or close it shut for a while. I'm going on holiday tomorrow, so i'm worried about it in the salty sea water!

If you think extra details should be added, please tell.

Thankyou in advance! :D




  1. Not wanting to be alarmist but I agree that it's best to see your doc. I had something similar in my left eye a few years ago as I was recovering frompneumonia . After a week I went to the docs. They tried different anti-biotics and they didn't work. I went off to Thailand on a pre-booked holiday and within a week I couldn't see out of the eye. Thankfully I saw a very good Thai doctor who sent me to an opthalmist straight away. It turned out to be herpes keratitis - I have always suffered from cold sores but this time it got me in the eye instead of on my lip! The result is a scarred cornea from a dendritic ulcer meaning some blurring of the vision in that eye and since then I've had several flare-ups which means a trip directly to the local hospital emergency eye clinic and up to a couple of months on drops and ointment. Strangely enough, I haven't had a cold sore on my lip always heads for the eye!! Only wish it had been diagnosed earlier before permanent damage was done. I now take care to always wear sunglasses on sunny days as sunlight can make it flare up. I doubt if this is what you have, but I do so wish mine had been diagnosed sooner!! Have a lovely holiday - but see your doc first.

  2. maybe you got soap in your eye when you were taking a shower and there is still a little piece of it on your eyelash and when you fell asleep it got in there and was stuck in there for a while when i get soap in my eye or shampoo the same thing happens to me it stings when i close my eye or put anything into it what i would suggest doing is wait a little and if it doesnt go away go see a doctor also try putting a hot wash cloth on your eye and let it sit for a little also try eye drops if you have any those always help and try some advil or any other painkiller hope you feel better i hate it when my eye stings

  3. I think you should go to the doctor because you never know what could be wrong!!

  4. got to the docters  

  5. Do you do a lot of computer work or anything that requires you to keep your eyes open for long periods of time? You could be having regular dry eyes if this is the case.

    You could've gotten an eyelash, or you could have an eye infection. I say rinse your eye out, and if it doesn't get better, make an appointment with an Ophthalmologist.

  6. go to the doctor it could be an infection I had the same a day before i went on holiday in both eyes , he gave me drops to put in 3 times a day, and it took two weeks to clear, so don't leave it to chance get it seen to, or it will spoil your holiday.

  7. i usually get that when I'm tired...  

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