
Why is my eye watering?

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my eyes been watering all day does it mean i have bad vision i also have allergies to could that cause it.




  1. You should see your eye care professional to be sure.  It sounds like allergies and he/she could prescribe prescription allergy drops.  Most of the over the counter allergy drops don't help much.  You also want to rule out an infection.

  2. It's probably allergies.

  3. something is probably irritating your eye


    or allergies

    might want to get that checked out

  4. its allergies because on the news it said ragweed will have ALL allergy sufferers well suffering same here but nothin we can the usual thing u do when ur eyes water i use eyedrops

  5. no its not that you got bad vision is just your allergies...try putting water drops. =]

  6. yeah allergies could cause it. or maybe you are crying? lol jk.

  7. Try flushing your eye out with cold running water from the sink, just by cupping some water and holding it up to your eyes. Then opening your eyes once or twice. Repeat maybe two or three times. It might be that there is some particle in your eye, or maybe even an eyelash stuck inside irritating things.

    If your eye(s) is partially red and watering, check to see if you have conjunctivitis. You'll want to get some Visine: Advanced Relief from your local drug store Rite Aid or something along that lines.

    Check out Mayo Clinic too at

    As a last resort schedule a check up with your primary care doctor.

  8. The most common reason the eye waters is because it is actually too dry.  That is the brain's way of dealing with dryness..causing it to overproduce tears.  The second most common reason is allergies.  If the eye is itchy, red and tearing, it is most likely allergy related and you can try some Zaditor drops twice daily.  They can be found over the counter.  Use for at least a week before you may notice improvement.  If the eye is watery without itching or redness then it may be dryness and you can try an OTC eye drop such as Systane or Refresh. You can use these every couple of hours as needed. DON'T use a drop that states it gets the red out.  You do not need those.  They have a chemical in them that actually cause the eye to become more red...that's how people get hooked on them.  And lastly, if there is any discharge, pain or light sensitivity in addition to the tearing, see your eye dr. as you may have an infection.

    Good luck.

  9. I have allergies and they water a lot to also you could have something it or do you wear contacts that could be why hope it helps.

  10. could be allergies. Or you could be tired?

  11. Yeah..alergies probably.

  12. If it's just one eye go to the eye doctor tomorrow.

  13. You could just be tired, whenever I yawn or anything like that my eyes get watery.  

  14. check with your eye doctor, it could be the allergry.

  15. well it depends on what kind of allergies you have if its like dust or something thats common like that then yeah or you couldve not gotten enuf sleep, that happens to me, and if you have contacts then they could be dry cuz that happens to me all the time. You couldve been itching them too, or you got something in themm. There's a lot of possiblitiess. Just put water drops in your eyes and theyll probably get better and if they dont just go to the doctors and get it checked out.

  16. Probably because you just heard that Obama selected the kiss of death (Joe Biden) as a running mate and is now 100% guaranteed to lose the election this November.  I will wager my home mortgage on that.  If I were an Obama supporter my eyes would be watering too after that announcement.

  17. yup its allergies

  18. It's probably allergies and maybe your eyeliner if you wear make up. If your Eyes stay watery you should go get your eyes checked you might need glasses but most likely you have allergies though.

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