
Why is my face suddenly so oily?

by  |  earlier

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I have been training for about six weeks to run a marathon. When I run, I sweat, but it seems like my oil glands are running over time. I am washing my face several times a day and when I wake up in the morning, GROSS!!!!! Any suggestions?




  1. could it be the sunblock you use?

  2. you might think that washing your face helps the problem, but instead it makes it worse. here's what i mean: the more you wash it, the dryer it gets--so your skin cells secrete oil to balance off the dryness=oily skin. obviously you need to wash your face. so here's what you do: wear sunblock every time you are running in the sun (protects your skin from cancer), after practice take a shower (wash your face) and put a hydrating lotion in your face. in the morning it will not be as oily. the lotion will prevent the cells to secrete extra oil. or you can also use a sheer powder or mattifying gel.

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