
Why is my family so rude, please read for more info?

by  |  earlier

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First my mom says I'm constantly lying. I think it's rude, because when I try to say I'm not, She goes, "Sometimes I think you trick yourself into thinking you're not lying." How rude is that?! And also, my brother (older) is calling me fat all the time, and seriously, I am not fat! My dad is pretty much ok.

Also, my mom has weird people come over, because she thinks I "need" help. And she doesn't even tell they're coming.

What should I do?

And thank you to everyone that helps!

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Thank you so much! Have a nice day!




  1. i dont see  what is so bad about your mother saying "you tick your self into thinking your not lying" and i also think your leaving out some info concidering your mom has ppl come over to your house o "Help" you. i dont htink she would do tht unless you did need help.  But your brother calling you fat is rude, but I dont kno why he would call you that if you werent...just ignore him, his opnion doesnt matter,


  2. my brother always tells me IM lieng to but theres not much you can do just try to tell its all in her head and try to get her help like what she does to

  3. Ok, so about the thing with your brother, that's just an older brother being an older brother and it's nothing to worry about. As for your Mom, she IS the woman who gave you life and loves you unconditionally, and if she is THAT worried about you that she's bringing in specialists to help you, then maybe you should start thinking about how you act. If you lie all the time then she's definitely going to be worried, she's going to think that you're hiding things from her. She's worried, not rude. It's time to clean up your act.

  4. Sit your family down and tell them the problem . Tell your mom that she needs to trust you , that you are being honest with her . Tell her that you don't need help , that your fine and she needs to respect your desicion .

    Tell your brother that when he calls you fat it hurts and that you don't think that your fat and he needs to stop calling you that . Your brother might take a little longer because brothers really say anything to make you mad try to let it go because if he see's it making you mad then he'll do it more .

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