
Why is my female dwarf bunny mean and moody? She's about a month and a half old.

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Why is my female dwarf bunny mean and moody? She's about a month and a half old.




  1. my male dwaf bunny is about 5 months old and he's the same way...

    bunnys just aren't good pets...

  2. If she has not been fixed, that may be the answer. Bunny PMS!

    It is possible she was mistreated before you got her, or frightened. If so, it may take time for her to trust you. Or if she was never handled much at all, that may also be causing it.

    We had several dwarf bunnies. The female was great with us, but vicious with the two males. She ended up killing them both. She looked like a little angel and you'd never believe she'd be that vicious with other bunnies.

  3. I agree, bunnies look cute, but don't make the best pets. Maybe she's lonely though. You could consider getting another girl bunny (if you get a male they'll be at it like rabbits when they get older and you'll have  house full of bunnies before you know it ;)

    Anyway, next time go for guinnee pigs. They make great pets and are always happy and full of life (plus they make cute noises unlike silent bunnies)

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