
Why is my fish tank water cloudy?

by Guest66279  |  earlier

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I just set up a fish tank 3 days ago, added fish yesterday, but right before I did that it started to get cloudy, not too bad, but I'm wondering why? Is there something I can do to clear it up?




  1. It is a bacterial bloom and is a natural part of the cycling process. How many fish/what kind did you add? The cycle process can be h**l on a fish and its best to either start with only a couple of fish, or even better- perform a fishless cycle.

    Do your research before getting pets!

  2. its because of the fish p**p. to clear it up get a filter

  3. You might be feeding them too much food. one time I gave my one puffer fish a whole cube of frozen blood worms, he ate it all but the food clouded my tank. That lasted like a couple of days, but the filter too care of it. It might take longer if you have a big tank. I had a 10 gallon I think. You can probably take out some of the water, but not too much, and replace it.

  4. Did you use water conditioner drops? If so, did you maybe use too much? The drops help neutralize clorination and other things in our tap water but using too much is not good either. Also, try buying some tank salt from a petstore. This helps to also neutralize ammonia in the water caused by the fish. Make sure to also change the filters regularly and 25% of the water once a month.

  5. Have you used gravel in your tank. If yes, it is due to the gravel dust. Ideally the gravel should have been washed with several changes of water before using.

    Suggest you change the water (do keep some old water) and remember to wash the gravel several times.

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