
Why is my friend acting so nasty to me?

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I've tried to make up with my friend, and she's been saying really hurtful things like nobody cares about me, my existance is useless, and how she hopes I stop breathing during the night, ontop of how useless a friend I was and she pities me. We fell out over something really silly and trivial, but now she's taking it too far, and now I really feel so down about myself. I told her how sorry I was but now she's just insulting me to the point she's telling me to kill myself which is bang out of order. I feel so alone and worthless, and beginning to think I am such a horrible, useless person. What do I do?




  1. just ignore her, don't think about her, don't talk about her.

    she'll get tired of saying stuff soon.

  2. honestly if you have tried to fix things and shes not having it just give her some time, hopefully she will see how hurtful she was being and apologize. And maybe if she doesnt give you a call back if you do give her her space, just call her up casually and see how she has been doing too test everything out.

    My sister and her best friend of 5-6 years are going through the same thing.

    i hope everything gets better for you

  3. Umm maybe you should, oh I dont know, drop her like a hot potato.  Shes being stupid about some arguement that was childlish, I mean come on!

    Sry for sounding so harsh

  4. Ok, maybe your friend just needs time to calm down, and relax, just give her some space! You should send her a card in the mail explaining why you're sorry, and how much you really miss her! You should call her, and ask to just get some time to talk it over, and discuss the problem with her, and tell her that it was a silly little thing, and not to take it so personally, and how do you know that it was so little to her, maybe she took it personally, because she's has a bad experience with something like that, and it just got her stressed out! When you talk, tell her how bad you feel, and how hurtful the words she's saying are to you, and she needs to cool her jets! Think about the situation, and think of ways it could've been worse, and what went wrong! If she is saying these things, maybe your friendship needs a break, it's hit a bump, and maybe time will just help out, so just give her time, and she'll realize that she has taken it too far, and then that would be a good time to talk, and make-up!

  5. First of all, what a *****. Second of all she is definitely seeking for attention, all of those mean and hurtful things she says are probably to make her feel popular and "special". Well tell you what, what makes people special is treating friends like friends and not badly. I say if you catch her in the act (this will be good when a HUGE  group of people are around) say "You are acting so self centered right now the way you talk about me is hurtful and only makes you look bad, it does not make me feel any less of myself, so tell that to your little possy." (abruptly leave... lol)

  6. Listen sweetheart...your friend is a child.  She is acting like a child.  All she thinks about is HER!  Everyone has a falling out now and then..but it takes maturity to say...hey this was silly and we are friends so let's get past it.

    She isn't willing to do that and you should not be down on yourself over something that is clearly her problem...and not yours.

    You are not alone.  At your age you feel things more strongly and things are more dramatic etc.  Not to say YOU are...but as a kid you don't think you have any options and you are just starting to figure out the world and relationships.  You are inexperienced at this.

    It is is HER problem...she is the one acting like a two year old. She is TRYING to hurt you. Do not give her the power to do that.  You know you are more important and your existence is important to a lot of pepole.  Don't let ONE person in the world ever take your self esteem and make you feel less.  

    You just have to not let her bother you and find other friends.   It is not going to be easy to forget someone you thought was a friend...and it is always painful to end a friendship but she doesn't want the friendship and you can't make her be nice.

    Just avoid her.  If she says something...just smile at her and walk by.  She won't know what you are smiling about...and it will irritate her to no end.  All you are doing by smiling and walking away is that you are saying in your aren't going to make my life miserable.  I am responsible for my own life...and not you.    You keep telling yourself that..and empower yourself to stand up to bullies.  

    You don't have to be don't have to get just have to not take her abuse and by being quiet letting her know she does not have power over you at all.  YOU are your own person.

    It IS YOUR repsonsiblity to make you happy.  She isn't going to make you happy...she isn't going to make your life better.  THAT is up to you and how you handle life and situations and relationships.

    When someone makes you unhappy...just walk away.  Nothing else needs to be said unless she comes to you and genuinely wants to talk about it as a friend.  There is nothing you can say or do to make her grow up...she has to do that on her own.

    You are growing up beautifully.  You care deeply about people you are involved with.  You KNOW what friendship is about.  Your mother and father did a great job.  You hang onto that.  HER parents on the other hand...didn't teach her about forgiveness or teach her kindness or anything about manners and how to grow up.

    THERE is NOTHING wrong with you is HER!

    So smile...dry those eyes...and hold your head up.  You are growing up more quickly than your friend and I congratulate you for being sensitive and caring!  It takes maturity to say you were wrong and try to make up...but relationships take two people...and she isn't into knowing that yet.  She thinks her world is all about her...she has yet to learn that other people need to occupy that space too and someday she is going to have to be kinder if she isn't going to be alone or in the wrong crowd.

  7. You tried to apologize to your friend, but she is having none of it.  Quit trying to talk to her and find some other friends.  Sad to say, you just might have to forget about her.  Sometimes this happens, but if she is making you feel this miserable, it's not worth it.  

  8. Shes not a friend I have a friend a bit like that! If she hurting you tell her if you want to be my friend... no friend talk down to someone else and also Tell her that talking mean to people don't gave you friends at all

    She doesn't listen just don't be her friend.

  9. Just love her, and she will love you back. If she doesn't though, then It's not your fault. It's her own fault. You are a unique human being, and noone is useless. You are feeling exactly what she WANTS you to feel. I think that if you just love her, she will feel really bad about hating you. She will either make up with you... or... hate you even more. Anyways, if you have other friends that know about this, They will probably be on your side, because you won't be being mean like she is.

  10. ignore her...or tell her to stop, its hurting yor feelings. She's probably just saying those things, cuz she thinks they're funny, and will bring you down. Try to ignore (i know its hard) her, and don't listen to her. Some of those things she's saying are really, really low.

  11. Kiki, stop for just a second and think, deep breaths.. ok, what ever happened it Can be resolved. No rash thinking or actions. have you thought that your friend may have other hidden problems that need help. Have you anything thats constantly bugging you?  There is a whole big world out there looking  to listen and help. Go find it for both of you.

    You'll be just fine, I'm sure

  12. Okay, just take a deep breath, calm down and KICK HER @#$%!!!!!!

    Remember don't fight angrily or you'll lose. Be peaceful yet violent. Just stay calm when you fight.  

  13. Why are you letting one person dictate how you feel about yourself? Your friend obviously has issues. Good chance everything she says about you is how she really feels about herself. If youve tried to get along with her and she keeps being a pinhead youll just have to leave her be and let her wallow in her own misery til she figures it out.Dont let her bring you down too. Just ignore her unless she ever comes around with some sense. Shell eventually either get over herself or start spewing her bs on some body else unfortunately.

  14. For starters, remove such petty people from your life. I would not want someone who says things like that, even to her enemies, as a friend.

    Stop apologizing. If she wants to be like that, let her be like that... alone.

    Right now, you are feeding into a sick game of her control. Knock it off. She doesn't deserve the pleading attention she obviously enjoys.

    Next, tell your parents and teachers what this "friend" is saying to you. What she is doing boarders on breaking the law. She needs to be told by authoritative figures that she is out of line and could end up in a lot of trouble.

    Lastly, believe that this toxic person you call a friend is a liar and a bully. Bullies are unhappy people who get their thrills by beating other people down. What she is saying is only reflecting her own pathetic life.

    You are not worthless. You have only been lied to and you need to start believing that. I suggest you talk to a school counselor or a similar figure to sort out your feelings and think better of yourself.

    You deserve to feel good about yourself.    

  15. Shes not your friend...

    Let her go.  Find people that make you feel good about yourself.  

  16. ur are not worthless, and u dont need her. she not a friend. she is a b******e. move on... meet new people.. u dont need her. shes not worth it

    hope my advice helps


  17. tell her parents

  18. Whatever you do, DO NOT LISTEN TO HER. You should drop her from your life immediately. I know the feeling. Really, I do. I have this friend who took it too far about my being fat, and now I'm a skinny stick with an eating disorder.

    Find friends you can talk to. Someone you can express your feelings to. Before it's too late.

  19. s***w that! she ovbiously isnt a friend if she is saying that. move on and find other friends and dont make the mistake of looking back to her. honestly just walk away you dont need that. show her that if she is going to be a ***** you can too. i have been there sweetie and i made the mistake of putting myself down to make her feel better because i felt like i had nobody else. trust me there is always someone else.

  20. kick the shiiiiiit out of her

  21. I'd give her something to b**ch about!

  22. if you apologize and you are sorry thats good

    just leave her

    you know you conscience is clean

    hopefully she will come threw

    and pray that everything will be alright

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