
Why is my friend asking me out?

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I just broke up with my boyfriend...yesterday. It's barely been 36 hours. And this friend of mine (who I'm fairly close to and tell everything) asks me out. I'm flattered, really.

The issue here is that I know him, and I know how he is with girls. He'll often date 2 or 3 at a time. (He tells me everything also.) We haven't actually seen each other in years, but we talk on the phone most every day, for hours at a time. I went down to GA to visit him (drove 13 hours from DC with friends) and he stood me up. He claims that this is why he "owes me" a date.

I said "that's not a very good reason." Then I said "I know how you are with girls, and it leaves much to be desired. Now all of a sudden you're a gentleman? I'll believe it when I see it."

He hasn't texted back. Do you think I was too mean? Well frankly, I need to be single right now anyway but I didn't mean to be scathingly mean about it though.

What do you think?




  1. He's not reliable or a loyal person by the sound of things.  

    Of course, you just told him the truth, nothing more.  Sometimes the truth hurts.

    It's better sometimes not to mince words.

  2. I think that was harsh, everyone deserves a chance. And they can't play you if you don't let them. You could have let him take you out just the once without it doing any harm.

  3. Don't do it. He seems like he has a history filled with problems you don't want in your life. Let it go. Stood up after a 13 hour drive "Oh h**l no." Besides you don't even live close at all. Take some time to figure out what you want and find a good guy. They are out there.

  4. He's a guy!!! Not to make your friend sound like a jerk, but I'm a guy and I have guy friends...guys sometime get close with girls strictly for friends purposes, BUT, as you said, "He is with other girl(s)"...leads me to believe that you are on the rebound and he thinks he can get a piece before telling you it was to help you through your tough time and then just go back to the way things were before.

  5. I think you handled it perfectly.  If he treats women like that, then don't waste your time.

  6. You handled it very well and you have the advantage of knowing his history before you made a decision. Thats good.

    I don't think you were mean and if he wanted a real serious relationship with you he should have made an effort to show you he can be serious and he didnt. He has shown you he can't be trusted.

    Be his friend but keep in mind his history and don't let him sucker you.

  7. He probably liked you all along and was just waiting for you to be single. If you ask me, his timing was horrible. But you were pretty short with him, to say the least.

  8. He was trying to show you , but you turned him down. Always the womans fault and yes, you were too mean. Lighten up

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