
Why is my friend choking?

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So I was with my friend and we were golfing and I'm a very good golfer for my age. Hes ok but whenever hes with me he chokes. I've seen some of his score cards and he has some good scores but it seems like when hes with me he chokes. He makes bad shots and he gets angry. I don't get nervous so why would he? We're both 13.




  1. b/c he swallowed his gum again !!! =] lol jp jp maybe u make him nervous b/c ur so talented lol

  2. WHY DO YOU CARE! if you know he plays bad when playing with you play him for money. you will always win if he agrees to bet. but other wise WHY DO YOU CARE!

  3. He seems to have an anger issue, I am glad he plays another sport with out getting so angry, why not just ask him not to worry about the score card when golfing but just to be there to have a fun day together, see if he will relax a little and not try to compete.

  4. Because he wants to be the better of you two and you are too good a competitor. So he tries too hard and ends up choking. You are more relaxed, confident and have fun with the game, so you don't.

    EDIT: Maybe he is more confident when it comes to his game in baseball, or maybe he thinks you are less competition there.

  5. He cheating while your not around LOL. I have a brother that does the same thing. The reason he get mad is because he can't stand you be better at something then him. Just start playing hard and he be force to get better and he get so good he not write up fake scores.

  6. maybe theres someone there hes trying to impress

  7. He wants to beat you, but obviously doesn't manage himself very well in order to do it.  Getting angry will not make him a better player.  He's probably your equal on the baseball field isn't he?  So in his mind, he should be on the golf course.  Just like you said, you don't get nervous and those who can manage their feelings do better than those that can't.  That is why Tiger beats everybody all the time.  He manages his emotions much better than anyone else.

  8. you possibly make him nervous.

  9. Good question. He is thinking. You can't hit and think at the same time. Who says? Yogi Bera, 10 rings, enough said?

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