
Why is my friend mad at me? What can I do to save our friendship?

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We've just started ninth grade and me and my friends are seperated from all our other friends who we used to hang out with last year. me and 'a' (calling her that for now) are in all the same classes - and I don't know why, but I think she got manipulated by my friend 'T' (lets just call her that for now) because 't' used to be 'a's best friend and 't' is really good at manipulating people, and i think its part of because we're getting a little tired of each other, and im scared other people will come between us becuase it seems like both of us making new friends - is actually making our friendship drift apart. I really want to become bffs with her again and I want to be fun for her, like i want her to actually want to become friends with me no matter what other people say, its hard to find a true friend like that.




  1. Lil grasshopper, You are feeling insecure about your friendship as you have not built up enough trust. And you cant be best friends forever, you must yourself ... have you lived "forever" ? if not you cannot use that term, sorry. Manipulation is a natural occurrence within society. it should not be frowned upon .. it should be nurtured so everyone can feel the Wrath of the Jedi, commonly abbrevaited as (WotJ).

    P.S is A's name Anne? and is T's name Trisha?

  2. i wish i could sya something but i feel like that is happening with me so u r not the only one whos going through this stuff but

    teenagers= drama= life

    so cheer up :D


  3. Ii don't think you should worry about it too much because it happens as you get older. That has happened to me, I drifted apart from my closest friends. True friends are hard to find, but once you do find them, they're worth the wait.

    You should just see what happens with you and 'a'. If it doesn't work out, don't force it because that will make her resent you more. You can always make other friends. There is plenty of time to make new friends. I made a new set of friends in year 9 and I'm going to start year 11 now and things are going strong! =]

  4. talk to her.. tell her how you feel

    hang out and make it as fun as possible

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