
Why is my garden producing yellow cucumbers?

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Our garden is growing but we have some large yellow cucumbers...are these now bad?




  1. You can still eat them but they are alittle over ripe and will taste slightly (not much) different. But pick them if you haven't yet.

  2. Pick cukes regularly when they are small and make sure you get them all. Once they have gone yellow, they normally also go seedy and loose much of their crisp cucumber flavor. The yellow ones are not bad, but you will have to peel and seed them to make them edible.

    Get them off the plant ASAP, as the plant will stop producing once it thinks it has done its job, which is to produce seeds.  

  3. That often happens if you go away for the weekend or don't check them well for the hidden ones.   Cukes need checking daily or get over grown quickly.  Pick off all of the large ones, (some people do use them for pickles) so that the plants will continue to produce.

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