
Why is my generation completely overridden with apathy?

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Why is my generation completely overridden with apathy?




  1. I don't know. Since it's your generation, you tell me.

  2. It isn't completely overridden no matter what generation you are and I suppose it's a fashion thing. Right now the main role models are held up exactly for being selfish, arrogant, ignorant and materialistic. When that shifts so will attitudes.

    I think that every generation needs to feel like it has been witness to something special, earth's history in the making. Just now the news is filled with images of war and terror but I'm hoping that scientific breakthroughs will take sudden leap forward - perhaps curing a disease or venturing further into space and suddenly people will have new goals and interests which will promote a sense of ambition and hope.

    There is great unease caused because we are constantly in new territories because of the internet, cheap travel, immigration / emigration rates and countless other factors of modern living. The world is truly global and we have a lot of differences to sort out and a lot of learning to do.

    There is no way that humanity can carry on being civilised with the mass stupidity that is prevalent in society and government today.

  3. Because precious few fathers and mothers remained together. And precious few mothers stayed at home to provide a feeling of security, stability, and refuge for the children. Few have the anchor of faith or church attendance.

    There's another side to your generation: Passionate and swept up in adoration for God. Many of them fast regularly, like 40 days up to 7/7/2007 there were thousands dedicating their lives.

  4. The guy above me is right.  It started during WWII when mothers were left to raise children by themselves.  I'm NOT saying single mothers do a bad job because they don't but a father has a major role helping a man grow up.

  5. Which generation is that?

    Apathy toward what?

  6. Us (Lost generation) or "generation X", generation x, stands for "EXTRA STUPID" !

  7. Misdirected and indoctrinated are better terms.

  8. Good question. Wait, what is your generation?

    I think it is a combination of mainstream media, as well as higher living standards.

    The mainstream media is flooded with images of fake ideals (glamor, money, wealth, beauty, gadgets, entertainment, pleasure) but hides the reality of poverty, sickness, war, deaths. Many people, especially young people do not ever see the real world. They will chase the ideals that they see on billboards and television. Because they are so busy, they can't care about anything/anyone else.

    High living condition also causes kids to be sheltered. Kids in nice house, a lot of money to spend, and living in nice neighborhood is also sheltered from reality. They just have more time to chase the false ideals broadcasted.

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