
Why is my grandpa so mean and weird?

by  |  earlier

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i'm 14 and i have to stay at my grandparents house for the summer, and me & my grandma never got along, but me & my grandpa have always got along & he never really bothers me.

but he lost his job last february, and he hasnt found a new one, so he's home all the time. and for the past month or so hes been really weird and mean. he gets so paranoid about minor things, like when i take a shower he gets mad when theres 2 freakin hairs left in the shower, or when i straighten my hair he freaks out when theres a hair or a few in the bath mat, and he yells & stuff.

he gets so paranoid and wants everything his way, or no way.

as far as i know, hes been taking his medication.

why is he acting so weird all of a sudden?

do all people get like that as they get old-er?




  1. would you be happy if you were old and weren't of reasonable age in the time of botox? :P

  2. Here is the deal. Your grandpa is getting old and cranky.  I am sure not working is part of his frustration.  The older you get the harder it is for someone to hire you.  I am sure he is board and this is why he takes notice to every little thing and makes a big deal about it.  Clean up after yourself and try to find another family member to spend your time with.  

  3. It's probably just because he's older, like you said, and he's just upset that he lost his job. And maybe he also doesn't really know what your doing every second of your life, so he's paranoid. And he only wants to know what is happening every second of your life cause he doesn't want anything to happen to you because to him, your still a child. And about the hair issue, well mostly all older people are total neat-freaks, so that may be the reason why..

    Hope I helped!!

  4. Well, you could check and make sure he is taking his medication. Try to be careful and clean up behind yourself. Maybe spend some extra time with him and let him know you care about him. Perhaps you could talk about the good times you shared with him when you stayed at his house before. Ask him to please not to take his anger out on you, maybe he doesn't realize he is doing that. Also ask your parents if you could shorten your visit.

    Good luck!

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