
Why is my guinea pig being sluggish after being in the sun?

by Guest33443  |  earlier

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Why is my guinea pig being sluggish after being in the sun?




  1. He probably caught heat stroke.

  2. guinea pigs are VERY sensitive to the sun. They can suffer from heat stroke after being outside (even in the shade).

    I suggest you get your guinea pig to the vet IMMEDTIATELY as he may be suffering from severe brain damage ?

    How long was he out there for ?

  3. Please pleas please!!! Never put him ever in the sun or in the cold for that matter.they are delicate anumals and need a constant mild moderate temperature.Justifie says it all above.

  4. Probably because they cannot take direct sunlight and it was close to heat stroke. If you're trying to kill your piggie, this is a prime way to do it.

    NEVER EVER EVER put a guinea pig in direct sun. Even in the shade, guinea pigs can die of heat stroke in as little as 85 degrees fahrenheit. They are not tolerant of heat AT ALL and should be kept in a constant temperature of between 70 and 75 degrees.

  5. its probably dehydrated..give it some water and let it cool down..see if that helps.

  6. Just like people, animals get tired after being hot. Haven't you ever been outide under the sun for a long time and started to feel really sleepy? When your guinea pig is outside you need to provide a lot of shade on one end of the cage for them to go to. Make sure there is a lot of water available, too. If it's too hot outside they shouldn't go out though.  

  7. Guinea pigs shouldn't be in the sun for to long! Personally put it in some shade because that usually helps

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