
Why is my guitar amp picking up radio frequencies?

by  |  earlier

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Yeah, every once in a while, when I set my amp to a specific setting (for guitar), it picks up this conversation in a different language. I'm not sure what it is, but I think it's a radio conversation or something. Do you guys have any idea why this is happening? Or has this ever happened to you?




  1. Well yes but no. Like I'll be playing next to the t.v. and my amp with start beeping in a rythmn. Its probably like one of those things that says don't bring your nintendo d.s. next to a breathing machine or something. idk.

  2. yes it probably is, mine does it sometimes depending wher i have it, the pickups are designed to pick up vibrations or frequencies of the strings and they could be picking up the signal, you can take your tv remote or any remote and hold it up to your pickups and push a button and you will be able to her the signal through your guitar amp, its pretty cool!

  3. Yeah it does that

    not a big deal just turn down your gain and drive or volume  

  4. Yes, this has happened to me.  The amp is basically designed to amplify the signal coming to it from the guitar, but other stuff gets caught on the unshielded wire, such as radio signals.  The wire from the guitar to the amp, and in the amp itself, can act as a radio antenna at times.

    I know that's not the technical explanation, but it's not too far off.

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