
Why is my guitar making a weird noise?

by Guest65350  |  earlier

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I just started playing bass recently, and I still have to learn basic stuff like finger dexterity and the notes and stuff. The problem is that when I hold down a fret, I can hear the string hitting the metal fret really loudly. I thought the height of the strings off the body might be what's wrong, but that didn't seem to make much of a difference.




  1. i am no expert i got my guitar not too long ago but i sometimes have/had the same prob when the string isn't tuned properly

  2. I'm not a bass player, but I've been playing guitar for about 4 years. You can do 2 things that will help. Well, actually 3. First of all, if you are using hte strings that came with the guitar, they WILL do that. When the people make the guitars, they don't really care about what strings they slap on there, mainly because they should only last long enough to where they need to be changed after purchase. A pack of bass strings can probably be sold at around $12 at your local guitar center, sam ash, or whatever.

    The second thing that you could do is mess with the settings on your amp. Your gains could be too high. The gains should be somewhere around the middle, with the volume 1/4 to the right. that is from the left. 25%. yeah. math. if you can purchase, or invest, I would save for a good pedal, with at least 40 user/40 factory presets. You can edit the sounds that come through your guitar, and have a noise removal, sustain, chorus, flanger, ect.

    The last thing I would try, would be to take your strings off, and clean of your frets. don't be lazy, and just lift up the string, because believe it or not, it will shorten the length of the life of that string more than taking it off would. and check if you're pressing it hard enough. you need to callouse your hands to play correctly. that is using the frets correctly, without making your hands sore, and to even prevent bleeding.

    hope I helped

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