
Why is my guy friend ignoring me?

by  |  earlier

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i met a friend at church,we quickly became friends.he would talk to me everyday.then i quickly found out he was interested in my friend,they started going out.but he would still text me everyday,call me all the time.and we became even better friends.then one day after hanging out he started to ignore me,never texts me,never calls me...and if he does all he talks about now days is his girlfriend.i may have an idea on why hes acting like this,but i really really need advice.oh and to clear this up,hes told me i didn't do anything to upset him,and sometimes when we really start talking again,he just stops replying...i really need help!




  1. Thanks for answering my question. In regards to your question, I pretty much agree with most people here. He's not mad at you or anything and you said your friend did not tell him to do anything. He is either busy since he has a girlfriend or he's just trying not to talk to you too much by instinct so things don't get awkward between you 2. He still talks to you and doesn't ignore you completely. He just doesn't talk to you as much. I would say your friendship with him is safe and completely fine as it is. Try hanging out with him in a big group or like others said, with his girlfriend so things clear up and you guys can talk more without anything looking incriminating.

  2. u say he became friends wit u and then started going out with ur friend... have u asked ur friend if shes jealous and asked him to stop talking to u? another reason might b that he really likes U... but he was 2 shy 2 ask u out so he thought hed go 4 ur friend and maybe make u jealous. hope this helps!!!

  3. Maybe ur guyfriend's gf got jelous and asked him 2 not talk 2 u again.

    BTW, thanks 4 answering my question. Good advice

  4. To be honest I think it simply boils down to the fact he has a girlfriend and maybe she feels that he shouldn't be communicating with you that much. So when you talk/communicate alot after a while he thinks about what he's doing and how it could affect his relationship and stops. By the sound of things its not you at fault it stems back to his relationship which is why he has said you have not upset/annoyed him because by the sounds of things you haven't.

    However I personally would not allow yourself to communicate with him that often. If the communication is less frequent it might not keep getting to the stage where he feels he has to ignore you completely as it is likely to have less impact on his relationship.

    As for always talking about his girlfriend theres not alot you can do about this, if you say to him its a bit boring then it could destroy your friendship with him and he might think your jealous of his girlfriend, even if your not. (hope that doesn't sound harsh)

    Good luck!

  5. do u noe if ur friend is jealous that u r friends wit him?

  6. i think that your guy friend is just interested in you as a friend and that hes not ignoring you purposefully or intentionally but because he has a lot more in his his family, his girlfriend, and his ffriends that hes closer to than he is to you. dont worry, i doubt hes mad or upset with you i just think hes not giving you full attention. if you want to have a stronger bond with this person, you'll need something to capture his attention! good luck, god bless

  7. He probably doesn't want his gf to be suspicious and he wants to avoid excess drama. Most guys don't like having Girls that are friends when they have girlfriends..maybe all 3 of you can have a hang out and you can assure his gf that you guys are just friends.GL.

    Edit:Maybe he thinks that if he talks to you a lot he will be tempted to cheat on his gf.Since he obviously has liked you before.

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