
Why is my hamster behaving like this?

by  |  earlier

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I've had my hamster since Christmas, and for the past few weeks to almost a month she keeps having these random moments where if i let her out she'll start rubbing herself against a wall and when she was on the sofa she started rubbing herself up against the person next to me, she just like drags her back across and she sort of stumbles and her little feet go up. And she's been scratching a lot and randomly biting her fur. And sometimes she jerks when you go pick her up and she's so tame so its unusual for her to be uncomfortable to pick her up. Do you think she has a skin condition? She's my little pet so im worried about her so i'd appreciate any solutions & i got a torch and checked through her fur, i dont think she has fleas or anything but theres lots of little white dots on the tips of her fur that look like little bits of dandruff that you can get on your scalp sometime. Thanks in advance.




  1. take to a vet sounds like it has mites or ticks mabe worms or something like that VET IS NEEDED

  2. Get her to the vet to check for mites, worms and parasites. She may have ringworm or another fungal disorder, causing her to get itchy.

  3. see has dandruff or she is allergic to her chips.

  4. It could only mean two things - either mites or ringworm. If you are getting an allergy, probably she has a fungal infection like ringworm that is causing allergy to you since inhalation of the fungal spores might not infect you but give you an allergy. Also fungal infection causes heavy itching and crusty skin which is why you are seeing her rubbing her fur everywhere as well as those "dandruff" like things on her fur.

    Take her to a vet immediately for anti fungal medication. She would be better once administered with the medicines.

    Also if you are using wood shavings as bedding, change to Carefresh or ripped toilet paper since sometimes wood shavings are known to encourage growth of fungus if they are not cleaned out regularly from the cage.

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