
Why is my hard drive 65 gigs full?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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I have vista premium.

I've had the laptop for 1 year. I've loaded about 10 gigs on it. I delete temp files.

Those huge windows updates aren't THAT big.




  1. Download WinDirStat. It is a great program for working out what the big files on your HDD are. It is really simple.

  2. You may have only loaded only 10 gigs onto it, but anything you have created using that software or downloaded will take up space on your PC.

  3. To answer your question, I don't know because I don't have your hard drive or can see it with my eyes.

  4. Vista takes more Hard Drive space than any previous OS. You need to uninstall some apps and clean your machine up.

  5. Go to start then search.

    Up in the top box where it states 'search results'. click on the magnifying glass and type c:

    This will come up with all the folders on your hard drive. If you place your cursor over the top of each folder it will give you its size. 'Users' may be the biggest one. If you click into this folder then you will be given more files and folders. Drag your mouse across these files and it will tell you its size. If there are more folders you may need to get into them.

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