I setup a home network with my wireless router. It connects 4 desktops, 7 laptops, and one vpn data server. I used windows to share files. I have DVD and Blu-ray movies stored in my 8TB server. When I try to watch it though network on my HTPC it freezes and lags, so I checked my statues and it shows that I was only using 25% of the capability at peak which is 25Mbps (3.125MB/s). To stream Blu-ray smoothly I at least need constant 27.3Mbps. My entire network has 100Mbps hardwares and I don’t know why I only get 25% of that I don’t know what is bottlenecking. Maybe I can change my network to 1000Mbps but why when I’m not even using all 100Mbps. I have been dealing with computer for long time but this is first time I ever dealt with this level of network capacity.