
Why is my homepage '' not updated daily?

by  |  earlier

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None of the information on my homepage '' is updated daily. I receive repetitive information everyday?




  1. You're browser is probably loading the page from your local cache (temporary internet files). Have you tried clicking on the browser's refresh button?

    Check your browser history settings page. (Tools->Internet Options->Settings (under browsing history)) Look for the "Check for newer versions of stored pages" text and make sure the option is set to "Automatically".

    While you're in the internet options menu, you could delete your temporary internet files to completely clear the cache.


  2. Get a yahoo email

  3. .


    For new My Yahoo! (not classic)  turn on the Auto-refresh feature.

    Locate and select "Personalize this page" and select  "Options", select "AUTO REFRESH | ON".

    Click "Close" at the top right when you are finished personalizing.

    Best wishes,



  4. Mine did the same thing and i downloaded the program Called firefox and has fixed everything.

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