
Why is my horsenot eating? What illness i it? I know it's an illness and it keeps pawing the ground and lookin

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My horse is looking at it's sides and lying down lots nd not eating and pawing the ground. WHY? I know it's ill but with what?




  1. Colic - while a horse can colic very mildly and need little help to recover, they sometimes become very severe and need surgery. It sounds like you don't have any experience with colic, so you need to call the vet  - use the emergency number, this is an emergency - and tell them exactly what your horse is doing.

    Take all food away from your horse now. Do not let him roll - laying down is ok. I wouldn't walk him unless the vet says to.

    Colic can become very painful. As a horse owner, you should have a painkiller (banamine is good) on hand so that you can manage the pain until the vet arrives.

    When your horse is better, please take the time to educate yourself about colic, its a very common illness - basically, a stomachache - that can be deadly.

    I will add that there are several other illnesses that are colic - like or can cause colic - Potomac Horse Fever, ulcers- so it might be a good idea to take your horses temperature before giving any banamine. Also temp. can indicate an infection, and this is information that is important to your vet.

    Good luck!

  2. It's called COLIC.  Instead of getting on line, you should have a call into your vet.  While waiting for the vet to get there, keep the horse moving at a walk, do NOT stop, if you have to, get someone else out there to take turns walking him.

    Colic can be caused by various things.  Moldy feed, change of feed...etc.

    Just thought of something...  IF you have some paste wormer, give the WHOLE thing to your horse.  It's going to sound bizzare, but seems to help a horse with a belly ache (Which is what Colic is.).  I had a friend who does this and it really works, then I saw an article from Texas A&M about it working.

  3. it's probably colic i would phone the vet

  4. COLIC!!!!!!! Call the vet IMMEDIANTLY!!! And don't let her lay down or roll this could cause her intesties to flip even more and that can be potentially fatal!!!

    oh and out of curiosity how do you not know the symptons of Colic? have you even read a horse book before?

  5. Colic!! DO NOT LET IT ROLL it may twist it's gut which is fatal. You MUST call the vet NOW!!!!!

    Sorry for the capitals but colic is often fatal.

    ADD: DO NOT WORM IT!!! There are 4 types of colic - spasmodic, gaseous, sand and impaction. Worming will not help!!! You need a vet!

  6. it probably has colic and it is very dangerous and your horse could die from it so you should call a vet as soon as you possibly can

  7. ITS COLIC!!... WHY do you own a horse if you can't recognize that signs of colic!!!!!!!!!!!Grrr....

    .....Is this for Howrse?? It just seems to common sense for it to be anything else.

  8. Well you asked these 13 hrs ago I hope your horse is ok and you called the Vet. If you didn't well then I hope there was a miracle.

  9. Those are major signs of colic! Call a vet immediately! Keep the horse on its feet and moving around. Do not let it lay down- it may not come back up! Good luck! <3

  10. It sounds like colic, and you should call you vet immediately.  I don't understand why you are on the computer while your horse is out there feeling like c**p.  If your horse is laying down and not rolling then leave him alone.  If he starts rolling, then go get him and walk him around.  Take a few brakes to see if he wants any water or food.  If he does, then this is good.

  11. COLIC u better call the vet NOW!!!!!!

  12. Find out by calling the vet!

  13. it sounds lyk colic call the vet before it get worse

  14. Seriously, please call the vet! Colic is really serious, and that's what it sounds like your horse is suffering from. If he tries to lay down, keep him up and walking until the vet gets there.

  15. colic - call the vet

  16. I had a horse colic just last week.  Did the same exact thing.  I hope since you posted this you had called your vet.  Luckily I had friends that I trust, so I didn't use a vet.  I did call though to make sure we were doing everything correctly.  It took her 3 days to come out of it.  Turns out it was sand colic.  We did banemine injections, probias paste, and gave her large amount of corn oil which passed the sand.  I am now giving her Psyllium.  It was a scary moment, but thank God is is alright now.

  17. Colic keep it moving walk it around, call a vet imediatley.




    I don't mean to yell , but really. Colic is very painful and you want to save a phone call...

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