
Why is my husband so protective of me?

by  |  earlier

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ok yah i know husbands and boyfriends tend to be protective of there girlfriend or wife but my husband escpecially he dosnt like me being alone he calls me when im home alone like every hour or two and much more dosnt he understand im a grown women




  1. Sounds like he could be feeling a little insecure.  Tell him how you feel and try to compromise perhaps if he called at his lunchtime only, and you called him after he is finished for the day, before he comes home.

  2. My opinions

    1. He loves you too much.

    2. He enjoys talking to you.

    3. He feels jealous of something.

    4. He doesn't trust you.

    IDK it can be anything.

  3. Girl... may be he just loves u !!! You need to have a discussion with him... If u think he is doubting you, say this when u begin. "Dear, You care about me so much I love it!!" Say this honestly and see his reaction.. His reaction will let u know why he calls... He wants to know if u r ok... or trust problems :)

  4. Do you live in a tough neighbourhood? Is there a history of violence in either of your lives? Does he have trust issues from former relationships? Was he ever hurt, betrayed or abandoned? Did he ever loose anyone in his past in an unfortunate or tragic way? There are so many possible reasons? Usually past behaviour explains current behaviour and predicts future behaviour. Have a look into his past, and yours, and see if there is anything  that he may want to protect you from. It may simply be that he cares and worries too much. It may reaffirm him if you tell him not to worry and promise to call him once in a while too.  Maybe he feels like he needs to keep the communication aspect of your relationship alive. Why not tell him that you’ll call him instead? Think of it this way: at least he cares!

  5. He is insecure or has security issues. He puts a lot of his identity in you. Just have a talk with him and let him know you are a grown woman and may not answer the phone every time he calls. (at the gym, in the shower, taking a nap, whatever) Calling to check in a few times a day is normal but every hour is a little nutty.  

  6. He's not protective>>> He's insecure and controlling. Honey this guy has some kind of issue. I'm not sure if it's a trust issue, but it's some kind of issue. That is not normal to call someone every 1 or 2 hours. Sorry but it's not!!  I don't care what you say. he has some kind of issue going on. And I think that it's he's insecure about the way he feels about himself. It sounds like he's checking in on you to see what your doing or who your with. I've been where you are before with someone. It's a INSECURE issue with himself. You may want to talk to him about it. I don't know your husband, but I hope I'm wrong about what I just said. I just don't think I am.

  7. maybe he has trust issues.

  8. I have seen this before. I hope I am not sticking my foot in it, but I need to ask a question of you. Since you have known your husband, even before you were married, were you ever rapped or sexually assaulted in other ways.

    I ask this because If he doesn't have trust issues then there could be only two reasons he is calling home like that.

    One he is concerned about your safety and possibly considering moving to a safer neighborhood. Now the drawback of this is you could be in the safest neighborhood in the world and he would still want to make sure your safe. He doesn't want you to be harmed so he is going into  protection mode.

    By calling home every hours he is getting a sense of security that you are alright.

    The other possibility is that he is flat out bored at work. Either because his job is not challenging enough or he doesn't like what he is doing.

    The best you can do is to sit down with him, especially when you are about to go to bed, and talk to him and find out from him why the over-protectiveness. Ask if point blank. It may be the only way for you to understand what is going through his mind.

  9. It is his thing to watch over & take care of you. Some men do not care about their wifes at all. These are the ones who go to strip club 3 nights a week. Look at this as a good thing. A wife is to be "submissive" not  dominating

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